In this section:

New CLI in 9.1.0R0


Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

SBX-69144 DNS Query DSCP Modification

This features adds a new option within DNS server configuration to specify the DSCP value the SBC includes in the packets of queries to the DNS server.

Command Syntax

The following example shows the syntax for specifying the DSCP value within DNS server configuration.

% set addressContext <address context name> dnsGroup <dns group name> server <dns server name> dscpValue <0-63>

Command Parameter

The following parameter can now be configured for DNS servers.


0 to 63


Specifies the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value the SBC sends in the IP header of DNS queries to the specified DNS server,

For more information, refer to DNS Group - CLI.

SBX-89717 No-charge notification feature

This feature adds a new signaling parameter to SIP trunk groups to control whether the SBC send the URI from the P-Asserted-Identity header to the PSX in a policy request.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <AC> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <TG NAME> signaling sendPaiUriToPsx <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameter


Enable this flag to allow the SBC to send both SIP and TEL URIs from the P-Asserted-Identity header to the PSX in a policy request. This option should be configured on the ingress trunk group.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

For more information, refer to: 

SBX-90452 - PSTN - Migration - JJ-90.30 SIP Interworking

The parameters transitPcv and transitIcidInInvite are added to SIP JJ90.30 Interworking Profile.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile <name>
	transitPcv <disabled | enabled>
	transitIcidInInvite <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

The parameters transitPcv and transitIcidInInvite are described below:

Parameter Descriptions




When enabled, the SBC transits icid-value, orig-ioi and term-ioi of P-Charging-Vector transparently in JJ90.30 to JJ90.30 calls, using the current trunk group.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Note: Enable this parameter only when the parameter sipFlavor is set to JJ90.30.



When enabled, the SBC transits the icid-value in P-Charging-Vector transparently in the INVITE sent on the current trunk for JJ90.30 to JJ90.30 calls.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Note: Enable this parameter only when the parameter sipFlavor is set to JJ90.30.


Configuration Examples

To enable transitPcv for SIP JJ90.30 Interworking Profile, use the example below:

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile testProfile transitPcv enabled

To enable transitIcidInInvite for SIP JJ90.30 Interworking Profile, use the example below:

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile testProfile transitIcidInInvite enabled

For more information, refer to: