Use the Ani Dnis Zoneloop Detection window to configure the SBC ANI-DNIS loop detection feature. In the context of a SIP call request, the ANI (Automatic Number Identification) refers to the calling party, as determined by the username in the P-Asserted-ID or From header. The DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service) refers to the called party as determined by the username in the Request URI. An ANI-DNIS loop refers to a situation when more than one call request shares the same combination of ANI and DNIS values. To avoid excessive looped call requests, the SBC provides configuration options to limit the number of pending call requests that share the same ANI-DNIS combination. Refer to ANI-DNIS Loop Detection for more information.
To configure ANI-DNIS loop detection options:
In Address Context and Zone, select the address context and zone for which you want to configure ANI-DNIS loop detection. The Edit Ani Dnis Zoneloop Detection options appear.