In this section:

New CLI in 9.0.0R0


Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].

SBX-71397 Increase max length of headers in transparency profile

The Transparency profile contains the configurable parameters sipHeader and sipMessageBody in it.

The length of the sipHeader is currently 1-31 and the length of the sipMessageBody is 1-127.

When proprietary headers are used in the above profile, the maximum allowed header length is increased to 63 characters. The existing functionality of Transparency profile remains same with the extended header length.

This feature is supported for GW-GW.

Command Parameters








Command Syntax

% set profiles services transparencyProfile <tpName>
    sipHeader <name of SIP header, or 'all'>
        excludedMethods <bye | cancel | info | invite | message | notify | options | prack | publish | refer | register | subscribe | update>
        ignoreTransparency <no | yes>
    sipMessageBody <content-type, or 'all'>
        excludedMethods <bye | cancel | info | invite | message | notify | options | prack | publish | refer | register | subscribe | update>
        ignoreTransparency <no | yes>
    state <disabled | enabled>

Command Syntax Example

set profiles services transparencyProfile TAS_IN_TP sipHeader P-Com.NameID-Action-Termination-Treatment

SBX-73090 Performance Registration Statistics per Domain

The SBC now collects interval-based SIP registration statistics per domain. This allows you to retrieve statistics for the current interval or a series of intervals using the SBC CLI.

CLI Syntax

The following is the syntax for retrieving per-domain SIP registration statistics for the current statistics interval.

> show status|table addressContext <addressContext_Name> sipRegCountDomainCurStats <DomainName>

The following is the syntax for retrieving per-domain SIP registration interval statistics.

> show status|table addressContext <addressContext_Name> sipRegCountDomainIntStats <DomainName>

Command Parameters

The following statistic fields appear in the output. 

SIP Current and Interval Registration Statistics per Domain

Output FieldDescription

For interval statistics, a sequence number which identifies the interval to which the set of statistics apply.

domainNameThe name of the domain to which the statistics apply. The domain name can be an IP address or FQDN.
intervalValidFor interval statistics, a value of "true" indicates that the the interval to which the set of statistics apply is valid.
timeFor interval statistics, the system uptime when the interval was collected.
countAttemptsThe number of SIP registration attempts on the SBC for the registration domain during the interval.
countCumCompletionsThe number of completed SIP registration attempts for the registration domain during the interval.
countPendingThe number of pending SIP registrations for the registration domain during the interval.
countStableThe number of stable SIP registrations for the registration domain during the interval.
countTotalThe total number of SIP registrations for the registration domain during the interval.
emergencyAcceptTotThe total number of accepted emergency SIP registrations for the registration domain during the interval.
emergencyActiveTotThe total number of active emergency SIP registrations for the registration domain during the interval.

SBX-75799 & SBX-94194 - OPUS support

The show status system gpuTranscodeStatus  CLI command will now show entries for opusTotal and opusUtilization.

Command Syntax

No changes in command status, only in msg returned (see example)


% show status system gpuTranscodeStatus

SBX-86128 Specifying More than 50 Destinations for SIPREC Group

To support specifying FQDNs for SRS servers, this feature adds FQDN-related parameters in the following contexts. 

Command Syntax – SRS Group Data

To enable configuring SRS servers with FQDNs, the SBC adds fqdn and fqdnPort parameters to the srsGroupData components in an SRS group profile. 

% set global servers srsGroupProfile <profile name>
    description <0-199 characters>
    loadDistribution <roundRobin | sequence>
    numSimultaneousStream <1-2>
    srsGroupData <0-7>
        cryptoSuiteProfile <cryptoSuiteProfile>
        fqdn <FQDN>
          fqdnPort <0-65535> 
        ipAddress <IP address>
          ipPort <0-65535>
        ipTGId <IP TG Id>
        srtp <disable | enable>
        transport <tcp | tls | udp>

Command Parameters – SRS Group Data


up to 63 characters

Specifies an FQDN for the SRS server. Specify either an FQDN or IP address for the SRS entry, not both.

fqdnPort0-65535Specifies a TCP/UDP port number for the SRS FQDN. This option only becomes available after you configure an FQDN for the SRS.O

Command Syntax – Start Record

To enable initiating a recording through CLI using an FQDN, the SBC adds the srsFqdn1 and srsFqdn2 parameters for specifying a target SRS server in a SIPREC start record (startRecord).

% request global siprec startRecord
        gcid <0-2147483647>
        numOfStreams <1-2>
        srsFqdn1 <FQDN>
        srsFqdn2 <secondary FQDN>
        srsIpAddress <SRS IP address>
        srsIpAddress2 <secondary SRS IP address>
        srsPort <IP port number>
        srsPort2 <secondary IP port number>
        transport <tcp | udp>
        transport2  <tcp | udp>
        trunkGroup <trunk group name>
        trunkGroup2 <secondary trunk group name>

Command Parameters – Start Record


up to 63 characters

Specifies the FQDN of the SRS server to use for this recording. If you specify both an FQDN and individual IP address, the IP address takes precedence.

srsFqdn2up to 63 charactersSpecifies the FQDN of a secondary SRS server to use if the media stream is forked.

Command Syntax – Stop Record

The SBC adds the recorderFqdn and recorderId parameters in SIPREC stop records (stopRecord) to enable specifying the FQDN of an SRS server or a unique identifier for the recording session among the criteria that you can use to identify which recording session to stop.

% request global siprec stopRecord
          gcid <0-2147483647>
          recorderAddress <SRS IP address>
          recorderFqdn <SRS FQDN>
          recorderId <session ID>
          recorderPort <port number>

Command Parameters – Stop Record


up to 63 characters

Specifies the FQDN of the SRS server on which to stop a recording.

Specifies the unique identifier of the recording session to stop.   The user can determine the recorderId for a session using the show table global SipRecStatus command.

SBX-88206 Resolve the EMS IP by Service Name

The SBC relies on IP addressing to interact with its operations-related services, such as reaching SNMP trap targets and acquiring services offered by an Element Management System (EMS). However, the addresses of trap targets and the EMS server can occasionally change.  

The Service Discovery for Trap Target Destinations and EMS Registration feature eliminates the need for SBC reconfiguration and re-initiation when IP address numbers change. This feature leverages a Domain Name System (DNS) Service Discovery framework and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) system to dynamically and automatically accomplish:

  • trap destination discovery

  • EMS server registration

For more information, refer to the following:

Command Syntax: a new parameter fqdn, for trap target destination Service Discovery

% set oam snmp
        snmpCommunityName <community name>
    localEngineId <Id>
    securityLevel <authNoPriv | authPriv | noAuthNoPriv>
    trapTarget <trap target name>
        fqdn <SNMP trap target FQDN>
        ipAddress <IP address>
        port <port number>
        state <disabled | enabled>
        targetSecurityLevel <authNoPriv | authPriv | noAuthNoPriv>
        targetUserName <name>
        trapType <inform | v1 | v2 | v3>
    users <username>
        authKey <colon separated hex string>
        authProtocol <HMACMD5 | HMACSHA>
        group <admin | user | operator>
        privKey <colon separated hex string>
        privProtocol <DES | AES128>
    version <v1v2c | v3only>

Command Parameter




Specifies an FQDN for the trap target. Use an FQDN to configure the SBC to use Service Discovery to point to up to eight IP address and port combinations as trap targets. Refer to Service Discovery for Trap Target Destinations and EMS Registration for for more information on Service Discovery. Refer to Configuring Service Discovery for Trap Target Destinations and EMS Registration for information on FQDN naming conventions.
NoteIf both an IP address and FQDN are specified for a trap target, the SBC uses first the resolved IP addresses from the FQDN. If no IP addresses are resolved for the FQDN, then the trap target falls back to the specified IP address.

Command Syntax: a new command, for EMS registration Service Discovery

% set system ems
    emsFqdn <FQDN for EMS registration>
    emsIpAddressOverride <IP address to override the FQDN>

Command Parameters

Parameter Name




1....128 characters

Specifies an FQDN (up to 128 characters) of the EMS server to use for EMS registration. Refer to Configuring Service Discovery for Trap Target Destinations and EMS Registration for information on FQDN naming conventions. Changing this value requires an SBC reboot to take effect.


<ip address>

IP address enforced for the EMS registration.

You can specify up to 8 override addresses. These will override any other previously configured EMS registration settings.

Command Syntax: a new command, for Service Discovery

% set system serviceDiscovery
    serviceRegistry <name_of_serviceRegistry>
      nameserver <index_of_nameserver>
        hostname <fqdn> | ipAddress <ip> port <1...65535>
        priority <0...100>
        weight <0...100>
      transport <fallback | tcp | udp | udpEdns0>
      attempts <1...x>
      timeout <100...x>
        recurse <false | true>
        roundRobin <false | true>
        ttl <1...x>

Command Parameters






<name_of_serviceRegistry> – The name of the Service Registry (up to 128 characters)

  • nameserver <index_of_nameserver> Specifies the index value for the name server. Each name server instance must have a unique index number. The range allowed is 0 to 7.
    • specify a hostname or an ipAddress
      • hostname <fqdn> – Specifies an FQDN of up to 128 characters for the name server. If you specify a host name (FQDN), the IP address is resolved using the system name server assigned to the SBC management interface.
      • ipAddress <ip> – Specifies an IPv4 or IPv6 address for the name server.
        • port <port_number> – Specifies the port number to use with the IP address. The range is 1 to 65535 and the default is 53.
    • priority <priority_value> – Specifies a priority for the name server. The range is 0 to 100 and the default is 0.
    • weight <weight_value> – Specifies a weight for the name server. The range is 0 to 100 and the default is 0. (Name servers with the same priority are prioritized based on the following formula: W/SW, where W = the weight of the name server and SW = the sum of the weights of the name servers having the same priority.)
  • transport Specifies the type of transport to use to send a request to a Service Registry name server. Select one of the following options:
    • fallback – (default) Use UDP with EDNS0, then UDP, then TCP if a response contains an error such as a truncated response.
    • tcp – Use TCP to contact a name server.
    • udp – Use UDP to contact a name server. The max message size is 512 bytes.
    • udpEdns0 – Use UDP with EDNS0 OPT RR to contact a name server. The max message size is 4096 bytes.
  • attempts <retry_attempts> Specifies the number of retries before a request to a name server is dropped. Retries are sent using an exponential backoff delay. The range is 1 to 4294967295. The default is 1.
  • timeout <timeout_value> – Specifies a timeout, in ms, before a request to a name server times out.  The range is 100 to 4294967295. The default is 500.
  • resolve – Specifies how the resolution of a service query is managed. Options are:
    • recurse – Specifies whether the resolution of a service should be recursive. The options are:
      • True
      • False (default)
    • roundRobin – Specifies whether the order in which name servers are queried should be random. The options are:
      • True   (default) the SBC sends a resolve query to contact the configured name servers in a random order until the SBC receives a response. The order changes for each query.
      • False –  the SBC sends a resolve query to contact the configured name servers sequentially until the SBC receives a response.
    • ttl – Specifies the maximum time-to-live, in seconds, to use when resolving an entry. The range is 1 to 4294967295. The default is 30 seconds. If the TTL of an entry in the name server is greater than this value, this value is used instead.

SBX-88296 ANI-DNIS Loop Detection

An ANI-DNIS loop refers to a situation when more than one call request shares the same combination of ANI (Automatic Number Identification) and DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service) values. This feature adds a new aniDnisZoneloopDetection object to zones. This object has a state parameter to control whether ANI-DNIS loop detection is enabled and a parameter that defines the limit for loop instances per ANI-DNIS pair.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> aniDnisZoneloopDetection
    aniDnisZoneLoopInstances <1..1250>
    aniDnisZoneState <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters




Use this parameter to specify an integer limit on call requests containing matching ANI-DNIS pairs. When the limit is reached, the SBC rejects any subsequent call requests for the same ANI-DNIS combination. The valid range is 1 to 1250.



Use this parameter to enable or disable ANI-DNIS loop detection for the specified zone.

  • disabled
  • enabled

Refer to Zone - ANI-DNIS Loop Detection - CLI for more information.

SBX-89017 - Call Notifications Events to AS

The SBC adds four new entities to configure call notification server data and matching criteria.

  • cnsGroupProfile
  • cnsGroupCluster
  • CallNotificationCriteria
  • CallNotificationCriteriaGroup

SIP trunk groups provide two new options for implementing call notifications: 

  • CallNotificationCriteriaGroup
  • sipCallNotificationMetadataProfile 

Command Syntax - cnsGroupProfile

% set global servers cnsGroupProfile <profile name>
     cnsGroupData <sequence: 0 - 7>
     loadDistribution <roundRobin | sequence>
Command Parameters

<profile name>

up to 23 characters

Specifies a name for the cns group profile. The profile can specify up to 8 servers as potential recipients of call notifications. 

cnsGroupData <sequence>

0-7Specifies a sequence number for a server within the group. If the loadDistribution type is sequence, the SBC attempts to send call notifications to the servers in their specified sequence.


up to 23 charactersSpecifies the trunk group through which the SBC sends call notifications. 


up to 63 charactersSpecifies an IP address or FQDN for the server to receive call notifications.


0-65535Specifies the number of a port to send call notifications on the server. The default is 5060.


  • udp
Specifies the transport type to use for sending notifications to this server. Currently the only type is UDP.


up to 199 charactersSpecifies a description of this cns group profile.


  • roundRobin
  • sequence

Specifies how to distribute call notifications among the servers in this group. The options are:

  • roundRobin - to distribute among the servers in a round-robin method.
  • sequence - (default) to distribute notifications in the same sequence for every call using the order defined by the server sequence value.


up to 140 charactersSpecifies the URI to use in the Request-URI of NOTIFY messages for this group of servers. 

Command Syntax - cnsGroupCluster

% set global servers cnsGroupCluster <cluster ID>
     cnsGroupClusterData <sequence: 0>
        cnsGroupId <CNS group profile name>
Command Parameters

<cluster ID>

up to 23 characters

Specifies a name for the cns group cluster.  A cns group cluster is included in call notification criteria to indicate the server(s) that should receive notifications when a call matches the criteria. 

cnsGroupClusterData <sequence>

currently set to 0Specifies a sequence number for a cns group profile in the cluster. Currently a cns group cluster can include only one cns group profile and the sequence is set to 0 by default.


up to 23 charactersSpecifies the name of the cns group profile to include in the cluster.


up to 199 charactersSpecifies a description for the cns group cluster.

Command Syntax - callNotificationCriteria

% set global servers callNotificationCriteria <criteria ID>
     calledPartyType <AoR | number>
     callingPartyType <AoR | number>
     cnsGroupClusterId <cns group cluster ID>        
     role <egress | ingress | none>
     userPartType  <none | useCalledNumber | useCallingNumber | useConfigured>
Command Parameters
<criteria ID>

up to 23 characters

Specifies a name for the set of call notification criteria. 

up to 134 charactersSpecifies the called party user to match.  The value can be a specific calling number, prefix, calling uri or the "*" character. The default value is "*" which matches all.
  • AoR
  • number
  • *

Specifies the format in which the called party is identified in the criteria. The options are:

  • AoR
  • number
  • * (a wildcard character to match any called party)
up to 134 charactersSpecifies the calling party user to match. The value can be a specific calling number, prefix, calling uri or the "*" character. The default value is "*" which matches all.
  • AoR
  • number
  • *

Specifies the format in which the calling party is identified in the criteria. The options are:

  • AoR
  • number
  • * (a wildcard character to match any calling party)
up to 23 charactersSpecifies the name of the call notification server group cluster that should receive NOTIFY messages when a call matches this set of criteria.
up to 23 charactersSpecifies the name of a SIP trunk group for the other call leg to match. The value can also be the "*" character which matches all.
  • both
  • egress
  • ingress

Specifies on which call leg to apply the criteria. The options are:

  • both – (both) applied on both ingress and egress.
  • egress - applied when the trunk group to which the criteria is attached is the egress trunk group.
  • ingress - applied when the trunk group to which the criteria is attached is the ingress trunk group.
  • none
  • useCalledNumber
  • useCallingNumber
  • useConfigured

Specifies what to use to populate the userpart in the Request-URI within NOTIFY messages. The options are:

  • none (default)
  • useCalledNumber
  • useCallingNumber
  • useConfigured (requires you to specify a static value for the userpart using the userPartValue parameter.)
userPartValueup to 23 charactersSpecifies a static value for the userpart of the Request-URI within NOTIFY messages, only if you specify the userPartType as useConfigured.

Command Syntax - callNotificationCriteriaGroup

% set global servers callNotificationCriteriaGroup <group ID>
     callNotificationCriteriaGroupData <sequence: 0 - 31>
        callNotificationCriteriaId <call notification criteria ID>
Command Parameters
<group ID>

up to 23 characters

Specifies a name for a group of up to 32 sets of call notification criteria. Sets of criteria are identified within the group by a sequence number.

0-31Specifies a sequence number for a set of call notification criteria within the group. The SBC checks for a match in sequence order until it finds a match or exhausts the list of  notification criteria.
up to 23 charactersSpecifies the name of the set of call notification criteria to associate with the sequence number.
up to 199 charactersSpecifies a description for the call notification criteria group.

Command Syntax - SIP Trunk Group Parameters

 Two parameters are added to SIP trunk groups to attach call notification criteria to the trunk group and to specify a SIPREC metadata profile to use in determining the session ID sent in call notifications. This feature uses the existing SIPREC metadata profile to map the session ID, it does not introduce a new type of profile. 

% set addressContext <address context> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> policy callNotificationCriteriaGroup <group ID>
% set addressContext <address context> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <TG name> services sipCallNotificationMetadataProfile <sipRecMetadataProfile profile name>
Command Parameters


up to 23 characters

Specifies the name of the call notification criteria group to attach to the trunk group to trigger call notifications for calls that match.



up to 23 characters

Specifies the name of a SIPREC metadata profile that defines the mapping of a SIP header to the Session-Id XML element in NOTIFY messages.  This parameter should be set on the trunk group used to send call notifications. Refer to Services - SIP Rec Metadata Profile for information on these profiles.

Refer to Configuring the SBC to Send Unsolicited Call Notifications to Application Servers.

SBX-91618 Using an OOD REFER to Terminate an Active Call

This feature adds a new signaling parameter for SIP trunk groups that controls whether the SBC locally handles OOD REFER requests. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <trunkGroup name> signaling localOODReferSupport <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters



Enable this flag to have the SBC locally handle out-of-dialog (OOD) REFER requests.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Refer to SIP TG - Signaling - Local OOD REFER Support - CLI for more information.

SBX-93310 Enhance the processing of Contact headers in REGISTER messages

This feature adds a new configuration object, the Register Contact Profile, and a new zone option to assign a profile to a zone.

Command Syntax - Profile

% set profiles signaling registerContactProfile <profile name>
    contactIncludeVariables <hostpart | userpart>

Command Parameters - Profile

<profile name>

Specifies a name for the Register Contact Profile of up to 23 characters.


Specifies the element or elements within the Contact header to use as additional keys when creating or retrieving registration control blocks (RCBs). The options are:

  • userpart (default)
  • hostpart

If specifying more than one value, separate the values with a comma, such as: userpart,hostpart

Command Syntax - Zone

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> registerContactProfileName <registerContactProfile name>

Command Parameter - Zone


<registerContactProfile name>

Specifies the name of a Register Contact Profile to assign to a zone. The SBC uses the Contact header elements specified in the profile as additional keys when it creates or retrieves RCBs.

For more information refer to Creating Multiple User Registrations Based on Contact Headers in REGISTER Messages.

SBX-87520 - Add VLAN-ID to Available Fields for X-Header Submission on the Monitoring Interface

The parameter vlanTag is added to monitoringProfile header.

Command Syntax

With this enhancement, monitoringProfile has the following parameters:

% set profiles services monitoringProfile <name>
    monitoringIpAddress <IPv4 | IPv6>
    monitoringIpPort <0-65535>
    headerPresence <disabled | enabled>
    header <index>
    headerName <name>
    sourceIpPort <disabled | enabled>
    destinationIpPort <disabled | enabled>
    additionalInformation <disabled | enabled>
    date <disabled | enabled>
    timestamp <disabled | enabled>
    vlanTag <disabled | enabled>

Corresponding changes in the result of the show command are shown below:

% show profiles services monitoringProfile test_monitoring_profile
monitoringIpPort    80;
headerPresence      enabled;
header 1 {
    headerName            To;
    sourceIpPort          enabled;
    destinationIpPort     enabled;
    timestamp             enabled;
    date                  enabled;
    additionalInformation enabled;
    vlanTag               enabled;

Command Parameters




Adds VLAN ID of the interface on which the monitored message is sent/received.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

SBX-88982 Componentize EMA into REST, Core and Troubleshooting Modules

To disable/enable EMA components from the CLI, the following enhancements are available:

  • The parameter ema is added under system admin. The child parameters of ema, each with the disable/enable options, are as follows:
    • enableCoreEMA
    • enableREST
    • enableTS
  • To display the status of the EMA components, the parameter ema, with its child parameters, are available under system admin of the show commands.

Command Syntax

To disable/enable the EMA components, use the following syntax:

% set system admin <system_name>
    enableCoreEMA <disabled | enabled>
    enableREST <disabled | enabled>
    enableTS <disabled | enabled>

To display the status of the EMA components, use the following syntax:

  • Within the "configure" mode:

    % show system admin <system_name> ema <enableCoreEMA | enableREST | enableTS>
  • Outside of the "configure" mode:

    > show table system admin <system_name> ema <enableCoreEMA | enableREST | enableTS>

If you do not provide the name of the EMA component, the output displays the status of all the three components.

Command Parameters

Parameter Description Table

emaN/AN/AThe object encapsulating the three EMA components.O

Use this parameter to disable or enable the Core EMA component.

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)

Use this parameter to disable or enable the REST API services provided by the EMA for SBC configuration (using the SBC Manager of the EMS).

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)

Use this parameter to disable or enable the Troubleshooting component of the EMA.

  • disabled
  • enabled (default)

Command Examples


The SBC is enhanced to enable/disable these components independently; the state of one component does not affect the function of the other components. For using the full capabilities of the EMA, Ribbon recommends enabling all the components simultaneously.

You can disable/enable the components during installation, or after the installation. By default, all the components are enabled. For the post-installation changes to take effect, restart the application.

To configure the EMA components, use the following example:

% set system admin REDGRAPE-SA ema enableCoreEMA enabled enableREST disabled enableTS enabled

To display the status of the EMA components, use the following example:

  • Within "configure" mode:

    % show system admin REDGRAPE-SA ema
    enableREST    enabled;
    enableCoreEMA enabled;
    enableTS      enabled;
    [ok][<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>]
  • Outside "configure" mode:

    > show table system admin REDGRAPE-SA ema
    enableREST    enabled;
    enableCoreEMA enabled;
    enableTS      enabled;
    [ok][<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>]

For more information, refer to EMA - CLI.

SBX-91163 Cause Code Mapping for Microsoft TEAMS Interop

The default profiles defaultTsgspec17SipCpc and defaultTsgspec17CpcSip are added to SIP Cause Code Mapping profiles sipToCpcCauseMapProfile and cpcToSipCauseMapProfile respectively.

The default profiles enables quick configuration of SIP cause-code maps based on TSG/SPEC/017, and Microsoft Team's Q.850 acceptance criteria for calls.

Command Syntax


% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile defaultTsgspec17SipCpc

Similar to other default profiles under sipToCpcCauseMapProfile, the existing parameters automatically associates with defaultTsgspec17SipCpc, as shown below.


% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile defaultTsgspec17CpcSip

Similar to other default profiles under cpcToSipCauseMapProfile, the existing parameters automatically associates with defaultTsgspec17CpcSip, as shown below:

Command Parameters




The default SIP to CPC Cause Map Profile that complies with TSG/SPEC/017.



N/AN/AThe default CPC to SIP Cause Map Profile that complies with TSG/SPEC/017.O

Command Examples

To configure defaultTsgspec17SipCpc, see the example below:

% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping sipToCpcCauseMapProfile defaultTsgspec17SipCpc cancelCause 31 locBye user locCancel user loc3xx networkBeyondPoint loc4xx networkBeyondPoint loc5xx networkBeyondPoint loc6xx networkBeyondPoint

% commit

To configure defaultTsgspec17CpcSip, see the example below:

% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile defaultTsgspec17CpcSip unrecAction q1912Procedure includeQ850Reason enabled

% commit

The above examples retains the default mappings in compliance with TSG/SPEC/017. However, the default profiles defaultTsgspec17SipCpc and defaultTsgspec17CpcSip are available starting with SBC Core 8.2. For SBC versions prior to 8.2, you can manually configure the mapping tables.

For more information, refer to the following pages:

SBX-92408 CSSR Counters per Trunk group (Required 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, 6xx pegs of calls)

This feature introduces the following enhancements in the CLI:

  • The parameter sipCssrStats is added under SIP Trunk Group.
  • The following statistics are added addressContext zone (displayed as output of appropriate show <table | status> commands):
    • sipTrunkGroupCSSRCurrentStatistics
    • sipTrunkGroupCSSRIntervalStatistics.
  • You can write the CSSR Interval Statistics sipTrunkGroupCSSRIntervalStatistics on a file by enabling under system fileStatisticsAdmin.

Command Syntax

For an existing SIP Trunk Group, the syntax to disable/enable collection of CSSR statistics are as follows:

% set addressContext <acName> zone <zoneName> id <zoneId> sipTrunkGroup <tgName> sipCssrStats <disabled | enabled>

Once enabled, the following commands display the CSSR statistics collected by the SBC:

  • CSSR Current Statistics:

    % show <status | table> addressContext  <acName> zone <zoneName> sipTrunkGroupCSSRCurrentStatistics <tgName> <CSSR counter>
  • CSSR Interval Statistics:

    % show <status | table> addressContext  <acName> zone <zoneName> sipTrunkGroupCSSRIntervalStatistics <tgName> <CSSR counter>

If you do not provide the Trunk Group name and a specific CSSR counter, all possible counters are displayed, resulting in a long and truncated output.

To write the output of the show command for the interval statistics in a .csv file, use the following syntax:

% set system fileStatisticsAdmin sipTrunkGroupCSSRIntervalStatistics state <disabled | enabled>

For each Trunk Group, the SBC creates a separate .csv file.

Command Parameters




Enable this flag to collect SIP Call Set-up Success Rate (CSSR) statistics.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Note: This parameter is available only on SBC SWe/Cloud deployments.




Displays the current statistics for the Call Set-up Success Rate (CSSR) of the SIP Trunk Group.

Note: This statistics is available only on SBC SWe/Cloud deployments.


Displays the interval statistics for the Call Set-up Success Rate (CSSR) of the SIP Trunk Group.

Note: This statistics is available only on SBC SWe/Cloud deployments.


Command Examples

To enable collection of SIP CSSR Statistics for an existing SIP Trunk Group, use the following example:

% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone id 1 sipTrunkGroup test_sip_tg sipCssrStats enabled
% commit

To display the SIP CSSR Current Statistics, use the following example:

> show status addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroupCSSRCurrentStatistics

sipTrunkGroupCSSRCurrentStatistics test_sip_tg {
inv_sent 0;
inv_rcvd 0;
alert_sent 0;
alert_rcvd 0;
ansCalls_sent 0;
ansCalls_rcvd 0;
cancel_sent 0;
cancel_rcvd 0;
bye_sent 0;
bye_rcvd 0;
inv200_sent 0;
inv200_rcvd 0;
inv380_sent 0;
inv380_rcvd 0;
inv400_sent 0;
inv400_rcvd 0;
inv403_sent 0;
inv403_rcvd 0;
inv404_sent 0;
inv404_rcvd 0;
inv406_sent 0;
inv406_rcvd 0;
inv408_sent 0;
inv408_rcvd 0;
inv410_sent 0;
inv410_rcvd 0;
inv420_sent 0;
inv420_rcvd 0;
inv480_sent 0;
inv480_rcvd 0;
inv481_sent 0;
inv481_rcvd 0;
inv482_sent 0;
inv482_rcvd 0;
inv483_sent 0;
inv483_rcvd 0;
inv484_sent 0;
inv484_rcvd 0;
inv486_sent 0;
inv486_rcvd 0;
inv487_sent 0;
inv487_rcvd 0;
inv488_sent 0;
inv488_rcvd 0;
inv500_sent 0;
inv500_rcvd 0;
inv501_sent 0;
inv501_rcvd 0;
inv502_sent 0;
inv502_rcvd 0;
inv503_sent 0;
inv503_rcvd 0;
inv504_sent 0;
inv504_rcvd 0;
inv580_sent 0;
inv580_rcvd 0;
inv600_sent 0;
inv600_rcvd 0;
nonInv603_sent 0;
nonInv603_rcvd 0;
nonInv606_sent 0;
nonInv606_rcvd 0;
nonInvUnknown_sent 0;
nonInvUnknown_rcvd 0;

The output of show table command is simlar to the show status command illustrated above, but in a tabular format.

The output of the SIP CSSR interval statistics are similar to that of the current statistics, but represents an aggregate over a period of time.

To write the SIP CSSR Interval Statistics to .csv files, use the following example:

% set system fileStatisticsAdmin sipTrunkGroupCSSRIntervalStatistics state enabled
% commit

For each Trunk Group, the SBC creates a separate .csv file.

This statistics sipTrunkGroupCSSRIntervalStatistics is available only on SBC SWe/Cloud deployments.

For more information, refer to the following pages: