In this section:
This section provides the basic steps to establish a simple call flow between two end points.
To establish a SIP call through the SBC Core, an IP Plan (Creating an IP Plan, Creating an IP Plan for SBC SWe on VMware or KVM Hypervisor) must be developed and the following network elements must be installed and interconnected:
For basic configuration details, refer to:
The EMA figures are for representational purpose only. Please use the values provided in the CLI.
In this scenario, trunk group routing is used to send all traffic arriving on "Outside" trunk to "Inside" trunk, and vice versa. This allows for no additional configuration changes on the SBC as the operator adds more numbers to be routed.
Because a single Address Context is configured in this scenario, no IP address overlapping is allowed.
Both "Outside" and "Inside" specific configuration data must be made. Below is a summary of the key configuration items.
Configuring SIP Trunking
Configuration Item | PEER (Outside) | CORE (Inside) |
Zone | SIP Port and Trunk Group reside in Zone | SIP Port and Trunk Group reside in Zone |
IP InterfaceGroup and IP Interface | Specifies the Interface and Interface Group which resides in the zone | Specifies the Interface and Interface Group which resides in the zone |
SIP Signaling Port | public IP address that far end sends messages to | private IP address the feature server sends messages to |
Packet Service Profile (PSP) | Specify G.729A | Specify G.711 |
Codec Entry | Far end codec definitions | Feature server codec definitions |
IP Signaling Profile | SIP Parameter settings | SIP Parameter settings |
Trunk Group | IP address of where signaling messages arrive from. If the far end is not a dedicated feature server (i.e. phone), set field to | IP address of where signaling messages arrive from – usually set to the feature server's signaling port IP address. |
IP Peer | IP address of far end | IP address of feature server |
Routing Label | One per trunk group | One per trunk group |
Route | One per trunk group | One per trunk group |
Create two new zones for Trunking, each one representing an external customer or operator equipment.
Zone | Purpose |
peer | Traffic to/from far end carrier |
core | Traffic to/from operator trunking equipment |
From CLI command line, enter following commands to establish two zones (peer, core) using default addressContext:
Create two zones; for peer and for core. For example:
% set addressContext default zone ZONE_IAD id 2 % set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS id 3 % commit
On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > Zone
An IP Interface Group is a named object containing one or more IP interfaces (IP addresses). The IP Interface Group is Address Context specific (e.g. permanently bound to a particular Address Context), and is the primary tool to manage disjoint networks (administrative network separation). An IP Interface Group is the local manifestation of a segregated network domain. The service section of an IP trunk group and a Signaling Port typically reference an IP Interface Group in order to restrict signaling and/or media activity to that IP Interface Group
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface pkt0_v4 ceName CHIVAS portName pkt0 ipAddress prefix 24 commit set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface pkt0_v4 altIpAddress fd00:10:6b50:4c70::8b altPrefix 60 commit
SIP Signaling Ports reside on the SBC (e.g. IP addresses are owned by SBC), and are the IP addresses that external devices (non-SBC) send SIP traffic to and receive SIP traffic from. For this example, two new Trunking SIP Ports are created. The term "operator" represents the Carrier, Service Provider, or Enterprise that owns the SBC.
SIP Port # | Zone | Purpose |
1 | peer | Traffic to/from far end carrier |
2 | core | Traffic to/from operator trunking equipment |
Each SIP Signaling port is in a unique Zone. The non-SBC equipment (phones, operator feature server, other Carriers, operator trunking server) sends/receives SIP messages to/from the IP addresses and port configured. The default protocol is UDP and default port is 5060.
% set addressContext default zone ZONE_IAD id 2 sipSigPort 1 ipInterfaceGroupName IPIG1 ipAddressV4 <external IP address> state enabled % set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS id 3 sipSigPort 2 ipInterfaceGroupName IPIG1 ipAddressV4 <internal IP address> state enabled % commit
On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > Signaling Ports > Sip Sig Port
Sip Sig Port
Packet Service Profiles control the media settings such as Codec, Packet Size, Transcoding options, and fax support on a trunk group. Each PSP can contain up to four Codec entries using ERE. These Codec entries describe a codec, its packet size and other codec-specific parameters, such as "law" (A or U) for G.711. Several default Codec entries are pre-configured on the system as examples to create your own.
The PSX supports configuring up to 12 codecs in the Packet Service Profile and Preferred Packet Service Profile. The SBC supports receiving all 12 codecs from the PSX in the PSP and Preferred PSP. This applies to interworking with an external PSX (Advanced ERE deployment scenario). See Routing and Policy Management for deployment scenario details. Additionally, the SBC supports up to 12 codecs over Gateway links to SBCs and/or GSXs. An SBC-POL-RTU license is needed to enable more than four codecs.
If you do not wish to use the default Codec Entries you will need to create custom Codec Entries before creating Packet Service Profiles since the PSP reference the Codec Entries. For example, you may want to have a PSP that specifies 20ms packet size, RFC2833 transport, allows for G.729A codec, and allows transcoding of G.711 to G.729A.
In our example, two Packet Service Profiles are created.
Create new PSPs based on the default PSP (avoid modifying default PSP), and use a naming convention to identify the function of each PSP.
% set profiles media packetServiceProfile DEFAULT codec codecEntry1 G711-DEFAULT % set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSP_1 codec codecEntry1 G729A-DEFAULT % commit
On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > Packet Service Profile
Packet Service Profile
The Codec Entry describes one specific codec that can be offered as part of the Packet Service Profile. Several default Codec Entries are included with the SBC. It is recommended to name the Codec Entry in a descriptive manner, so it is easy to select during the Packet Service Profile creation or modification.
In this example, the following default codecs are used:
IP Signaling Profiles control how various SIP egress and ingress parameters are set and processed. Use a unique profile for each type of destination. Each trunk group has an assigned IP Signaling Profile.
A trunk group has both an IP Signaling Profile and an Egress IP Signaling profile. The Egress IP Signaling profile is used for the outgoing signaling (sent from the trunk group).
The IP Signaling profile configured on the IP Peer overwrites the IP Signaling profile configured on the trunk group.
In this example, the IP Signaling Profile "DEFAULT_SIP" is used.
An important concept on the SBC is that all signaling and routing is based upon Trunk Groups. Even in Access configurations, a set of endpoints is represented by a trunk group.
The standard trunk group naming convention is to always CAPITALIZE trunk group names.
In this example configuration, two SIP trunk groups are created.
Trunk Group Name | Purpose |
CORE | Trunk to operator network equipment (carrier that owns the SBC) |
PEER | Trunk to far end (another carrier or PBX for example) |
% set addressContext default zone ZONE_IAD sipTrunkGroup TG1 ingressIpPrefix <ingress IP and prefix> % set addressContext default zone ZONE_IAD sipTrunkGroup TG1 media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName IPIG1 % set addressContext default zone ZONE_IAD sipTrunkGroup TG1 policy media packetServiceProfile DEFAULT % commit % set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS sipTrunkGroup TG2 ingressIpPrefix <ingress IP and prefix> % set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS sipTrunkGroup TG2 media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName IPIG2 % set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS sipTrunkGroup TG2 policy media packetServiceProfile DEFAULT
On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > SIP Trunk Group.
SIP Trunk Group
The IP Peer is the IP address of the far end device. The IP Peer is referenced in the Routing Label, and is used for outgoing calls for a particular Trunk Group.
For Access configurations, it is not necessary to have a IP Signaling Peer to the individual phones. You do need one to the feature server.
% set addressContext default zone ZONE_IAD IpPeer Peer_1 ipAddress <IP address> ipPort 5060 % set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS IpPeer Peer_2 ipAddress <IP address> ipPort 5060 % commit
On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > IP Peer
IP Peer
The Routing Label is used by (referenced in) the Route to send traffic from one trunk group to the other, and vice versa. Trunk Group routing is used for this purpose.
One Routing Label is created for each Trunk Group, and is used to send calls to that Trunk group. In the below example, the Routing Label "TO_CORE" sends calls to "CORE" trunk group. There is also a Routing Label "TO_PEER" that sends calls to "PEER" trunk group.
% set global callRouting routingLabel TO_PEER routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup TG1 ipPeer Peer_1 inService inService % set global callRouting routingLabel TO_CORE routingLabelRoute 2 trunkGroup TG2 ipPeer Peer_2 inService inService % commit
On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Call Routing > Routing
Routing Label Route
For more information on Routing Label Route, refer to Call Routing: System Provisioning - Routing.
The Route determines how call routing is accomplished. Several methods are available to implement routing (dialed number, carrier, calling number, trunk group, etc.) Trunk Group routing is used for this example configuration, and is the simplest and most straight forward means to implement a "pure" SBC function. It allows the operator to add users (routable numbers) without having to configure those numbers into the SBC.
For Trunk Group routing, calls that arrive on trunk group "CORE" are sent to Routing Label "TO_PEER", which routes the call to trunk group "PEER". In the other direction, calls that arrive on trunk group "PEER" are sent to Routing Label "TO_CORE", which routes the call to the "CORE" trunk group.
% set global callRouting route trunkGroup TG1 DALSBC01 standard Sonus_NULL 1 nationalType nationalType ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_CORE % set global callRouting route trunkGroup TG2 DALSBC01 standard Sonus_NULL 1 nationalType nationalType ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_PEER
On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Call Routing > Routing
For more information on Routing Label Route, refer to Call Routing: System Provisioning - Routing.