Perform the following steps to add a physical network adapter to each distributed switch using the table below as a guide.

Adpator to Distributed Switch Mapping

NIC LabelDistributed Switch Name

Ribbon strongly recommends that you configure all ports with different IP addresses in different networks so that they are isolated (different switch, different subnet). For example:

  • VDS-MGMT-Network 1
  • VDS-PKT0-Network 2
  • VDS-PKT1-Network 3

In addition, in order to prevent instability you must isolate the HA port. Using the example above:

  • VDS-HA-Network 4

  1. From vCenter Home screen, select Distributed Switches from the navigation pane.

    vCenter Home Screen

    The Distributed Switches screen displays with a list of distributed switches under the Objects tab.


    The figures shown in this procedure are intended as examples of the user interface and might not match the presented image exactly.

  2. Select your distributed switch.

    Distributed Switch Getting Started Tab

    The Getting Started tab for the selected distributed switch displays.

  3. From Basic Tasks section, select Add and Manage Hosts.

    Getting Started Tab

    The Add and Manage Hosts dialog displays as shown below.

  4. Select the Add Hosts option, and click Next.

    Add and Manage Hosts - Step 1

    The "Select hosts" step displays.

  5. Click Add New Host icon (plus symbol).

    Add and Manage Hosts - step 2

    The "Select new hosts" dialog displays.

  6. Select the hosts from the list, and click OK to close the dialog and return to the "Select hosts" screen.

    Select New Hosts Dialog

  7. The selected hosts now display in the list. Click Next.

    Select Hosts Screen

    The "Select physical network adapters" screen displays.

  8. Select the MGMT physical network adapter on both hosts, and click Next.

    Select Physical Network Adapters Screen

    The "Select virtual network adapters" screen displays.


    The figures shown in this procedure are intended as examples of the user interface and might not match the presented image exactly.

  9. Do not assign adapters to destination port groups in this step. Click Next to continue.

    Select Virtual Network Adapter Screen

    The "Validate changes" screen displays.

  10. The overall validation status is verified in this step. Click Next to continue.

    Validate Changes Screen

    The "Select VM network adapters" screen displays.

  11. No action is necessary. Click Next to continue.

    Select VM Network Adapters Screen

    The "Ready to complete" screen" displays.

  12. Review settings, and click Finish to complete the configuration.

    Ready to Complete Screen

  13. Repeat these steps for VDS-HA, VDS-PKT0 AND VDS-PKT1 distributed switches.


Ribbon strongly recommends that you configure all ports with different IP addresses in different networks so that they are isolated (different switch, different subnet). For example:

  • VDS-MGMT-Network 1
  • VDS-PKT0-Network 2
  • VDS-PKT1-Network 3

In addition, in order to prevent instability you must isolate the HA port. Using the example above:

  • VDS-HA-Network 4

 Continue to Create a VM.

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