The SBC ISO image you can download from the Ribbon Support Portal contains both the operating system (OS) and SBC software application packages. Once a virtual machine (VM) is configured, you must upload the SBC ISO image to the VM datastore to install the OS and the SBC application software.

To install SBC OS and application software on any virtual machine, perform the following steps to upload the ISO image to the datastore:

  1. Login as user root on the VMware vSphere client.

    1. Enter VMware host machine IP Address.
    2. Enter your VMware vSphere administrator user name.
    3. Enter your VMware vSphere administrator password. 

    VMware VSphere Client Login


    The vSphere Client main window appears.


    The figures shown in this procedure are intended as examples of the user interface and might not match the presented image exactly.

  2. Select the IP Address of your server and click the Configuration tab. Click the Storage option and select Datastore.

    Select Datastore

  3. Click to highlight datastore1. Right click and select Browse Datastore.... The Datastore Browser window appears:

    Browse Datastore

  4. Click the Upload files to this datastore icon and select Upload File... option to upload the ISO image.

    Datastore Browser Upload

  5. Browse to the location where you downloaded the SBC software and select the ISO archive file (a large file).

    Uploading File to Datastore

  6. The SBC software file will upload to the datastore.

    File Upload to Datastore

  7. Verify that the SBC SWe package is uploaded to the datastore.

    Completing the Upload

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