Use this window to create SIP Rec Metadata Profiles in which you can identify SIP headers you want to include in the XML metadata that accompanies calls sent to a Session Recording Server (SRS). The contents of the profile also specify which XML elements to use to send the header data. Once you create the profile object on this window you must create the specific SIP header to XML mapping to associate with the profile on the SIP Rec Metadata Profile - SIP Header window.  The profile should be assigned to the SIP trunk group that applies to sessions toward the SRS. Refer to SIPREC Support for more information on SIP session recording.

From the SBC main window go to: All > Profiles > Services > SIP Rec Metadata Profile. The SIP Rec Metadata Profile window opens.

SIP Rec Metadata Profile Window

To Create a SIP Rec Metadata Profile

To add a new SIP Rec Metadata Profile:

  1. Click New SIP Rec Metadata Profile. The Create New SIP Rec Metadata Profile window opens. 

    Create New SIP Rec Metadata Profile Window

  2. Use the following table to enter the profile parameters and click Save.
NameSpecify a name of up to 23 characters for the profile.
StateSpecify the admin state of the profile. The options are:
  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled

Specify the SIP Rec Metadata Profile version. The options are:

  • 0 (default): When the version is set as 0, the SBC supports its existing pre-defined metadata for passing call-specific information to the SRS when a call is recorded.
  • 1: When the version is set as 1, the SBC supports dynamic configuration of the metadata sent to the SRS through the mapping defined in the profile.

To Edit a SIP Rec Metadata Profile

To edit an existing SIP Rec Metadata Profile:

  1. Click the radio button adjacent to the name of the profile you want to edit. The Edit SIP Rec Metadata Profile window opens.
  2. If the profile is enabled, in State, click Disabled then click Save to disable the profile before editing the parameters. 
  3. Update the parameters as needed and click Save.

To Copy a SIP Rec Metadata Profile

To copy an existing SIP Rec Metadata Profile:

  1. Click the radio button adjacent to the name of the profile you want to copy. 
  2. Click Copy SIP Rec Metadata Profile.  The Copy SIP Rec Metadata Profile window opens.
  3. Update the parameters as needed and click Save.

To Delete a SIP Rec Metadata Profile

To delete an existing SIP Rec Metadata Profile:

  1. Click the radio button adjacent to the name of the profile you want to delete. The Edit SIP Rec Metadata Profile window opens
  2. If the profile is enabled, in State, click Disabled then click Save to disable the profile before deleting.
  3. Click the red  X at the end of the row to delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion when prompted.
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