Use this flag to rewrite identities for both ingress and egress trunk groups to achieve SIP URI transparency for SIP-URIs present in outbound SIP message.

When this parameter is enabled, for egress trunk group, SBC updates the originating and terminating identities in outbound SIP message as per policy response from PSX. (refer to the PSX's Globalize Profile Screen page for configuration rules).


Ensure to enable rewriteIdentities on both ingress and egress SIP Trunk Groups when using this feature. 


Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling rewriteIdentities <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Rewrite Identities Parameter


Enable this flag to allow the SBC to rewrite identities for both ingress and egress trunk groups to achieve SIP URI transparency for SIP-URIs present in outbound SIP message.

  • disabled (default) – When this parameter is disabled for ingress trunk group, SBC does not send originating and terminating identities URI information as separate fields in policy request to PSX. Thus, originating and terminating identities URI information is not rewritten as per rules configured in PSX.

    When this parameter is disabled for egress trunk group, SBC does not update the originating and terminating identities in outbound SIP message as per policy response from PSX.
  • enabled – When this parameter is enabled for ingress trunk group, SBC sends the originating and terminating identities URI information as separate fields in policy request to PSX. These originating and terminating identities URI information is rewritten as per rules configured in PSX and sent to SBC in policy response.

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