Modified: for 8.2.4

Use the "effectiveRelayOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLeg" flag to help control how the SBC manages relay of media changes.

During SDP negotiation, when the SBC detects any change in SDP capabilities, by default, it issues a modified offer (Re-INVITE, UPDATE). In certain scenarios, the modified offers can be perceived as redundant or unnecessary. The SBC provides an IP Signaling Profile configuration flag, "minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll," to minimize the number of offer-answer updates. The "effectiveRelayOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLeg" flag extends and refines the SBC processing that minimizes media changing. When both flags are enabled, the SBC relays media changes when it detects any of the following in a new offer: 

  • A change in the data path mode
  • A change in the codec order compared to the most recent previous offer
  • A new codec was added
  • A codec was deleted

Command Syntax

The following syntax applies to the  "effectiveRelayOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLeg" flag.

% set addressContext <AC> zone <Zone> sipTrunkGroup <TG_NAME> signaling effectiveRelayOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLeg <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters





Enable this flag to configure the SBC to relay media changes when it detects any of the following in a new offer: 

  • A change in the data path mode
  • A change in the codec order compared to the most recent previous offer
  • A new codec was added
  • A codec was deleted

Note: The option minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll in the IP Signaling Profile for the trunk group must also be enabled for this flag to take effect.