In this section:

Use the SIP JJ9030 Interworking profile to configure parameters needed for SIP JJ9030 Interworking. For information on other related profiles for SIP-ISUP and interworking between different SIP flavors, refer to Support for SIP-ISUP.

Command Syntax

To configure the signaling profile sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile, use the following syntax:

% set profiles signaling
	sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile <profile name 1-23 characters>
		addUserEqualPhoneforDivHiInterworking <disabled | enabled>
		bciCalledPartyCategory <noIndication | ordinary | payphone | spare>
		bciChargeIndicator <charge | noCharge | noIndication | spare>
		bciTerminatingIsdnAccess <isdn | nonIsdn>
		chargeAreaInformation <5 digits [0-9]>
		origIoi <1-128 characters>
		originatingCarrierCode <4 digits [0-9]>
		setHiPresentationRestricted <disabled | enabled>
        terminatingCarrierCode <4 digits [0-9]>		
        termIoi <1-128 characters>

Command Parameters

The parameter descriptions for profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile are as follows:

Parameter Description - sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile


1-23 characters

<profile_name> - The name of the SIP JJ-90.30 Interworking Profile.

NOTE: The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 32 sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile(s).


Enable this parameter to add "user=phone" and the "mp" parameter for diversionHistoryInfoInterworking.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

For more information on diversionHistoryInfoInterworking, refer to Egress IP Attributes - SIP - CLI.


The Backwards Call Indicators Called Party Category.

  • noIndication
  • ordinary
  • payphone
  • spare

NOTE: This parameter is mandatory when the parameter sipFlavor is set to SIP-ttc-charging-params.


The Backwards Call Indicators Charge Indicator.

  • charge
  • noCharge
  • noIndication
  • spare

NOTE: This parameter is mandatory when the parameter sipFlavor is set to SIP-ttc-charging-params.


The Backwards Call Indicators Terminating ISDN Access Indicator.

  • isdn
  • noIsdn

NOTE: This parameter is mandatory when the parameter sipFlavor is set to SIP-ttc-charging-params.

chargeAreaInformation5 digits (0-9)The Charge Area Information, consisting of 5 digits (0-9).
origIoi1-128 charactersThe name of Originating Inter Operator Identifier.
originatingCarrierCode4 digits (0-9)

The Originating Carrier Code, consisting of 4 digits (0-9).

Note: This parameter is mandatory when the parameter sipFlavor is set to JJ9030.


Set Presentation Indicator as "restricted" for historyInfoInterworking.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

For more information on historyInfoInterworking, refer to NNI Profile - CLI.


The flavor of the SIP parameters and procedures used for this interworking profile.

  • JJ9030
  • SIP-T
  • SIP-ttc-charging-params
terminatingCarrierCode4 digits (0-9)

The Terminating Carrier Code, consisting of 4 digits (0-9).

Modified: for 8.2.1

termIoi1-128 charactersThe name of the Terminating Inter Operator Identifier.

Command Examples


The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 32 sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile(s).

To configure sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile with the parameter sipFlavor set to JJ9030, refer to the example below:

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_sip_JJ9030 sipFlavor JJ9030 origIoi test_origIoi termIoi test_termIoi originatingCarrierCode 9999 chargeAreaInformation 56789
% commit

The parameter originatingCarrierCode is mandatory only when you set sipFlavor to JJ9030. For other values of the parameter sipFlavor, configuration of originatingCarrierCode is optional.

To configure sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile with the parameter sipFlavor set to SIP-T, refer to the example below:

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_2_sip_JJ9030 sipFlavor SIP-T origIoi test_origIoi termIoi test_termIoi chargeAreaInformation 98765
% commit

To configure sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile with the parameter sipFlavor set to SIP-ttc-charging-params, refer to the example below:

% set profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_3_sip_JJ9030 sipFlavor SIP-ttc-charging-params origIoi test_origIoi termIoi test_termIoi chargeAreaInformation 45679 bciCalledPartyCategory payphone bciChargeIndicator noCharge bciTerminatingIsdnAccess isdn
% commit

The following parameters are mandatory only when you set sipFlavor to SIP-ttc-charging-params:

  • bciCalledPartyCategory
  • bciChargeIndicator
  • bciTerminatingIsdnAccess

For other values of the parameter sipFlavor, these parameters are optional.

To display the configured sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile, refer to the example below:

> show table profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile
                                                                                                             ADD USER
                                                                                                             EQUAL                                  BCI
                                                                        ORIGINATING TERMINATING              PHONEFOR DIV  SET HI        BCI        CALLED    BCI
                                                                        CARRIER     CARRIER     CHARGE AREA  HI            PRESENTATION  CHARGE     PARTY     TERMINATING
test_2_sip_JJ9030  SIP-T                    test_origIoi  test_termIoi  -            -          98765        disabled      disabled      -          -         -
test_3_sip_JJ9030  SIP-ttc-charging-params  test_origIoi  test_termIoi  -            -          45679        disabled      disabled      noCharge   payphone  isdn
test_sip_JJ9030    JJ9030                   test_origIoi  test_termIoi  9999         -          56789        disabled      disabled      -          -         -

To attach the configured sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile with a sipTrunkGroup, refer to the example below:

% set addressContext default zone defaultSigZone sipTrunkGroup test_sip signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_sip_jj9030
% commit

To delete the configured sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile, refer to the example below:


If the sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile is attached to a sipTrunkGroup, detach the profile before you attempt to delete it. To detach, use the following syntax:

% delete addressContext <address_context> zone <zone> sipTrunkGroup <sip_tg> signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile

Commit the command to complete the process of deletion.

% delete profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_sip_jj9030
% delete profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_2_sip_jj9030
% delete profiles signaling sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile test_3_sip_jj9030
% commit