This profile provides configuration details about each CPC-to-SIP Cause Mapping Profile on the node.  The profile maps internal CPC (Call Processing Component) cause codes to SIP status codes.


The SBC supports SIP Cause Code Mapping for CPC to SIP for trunk groups regardless of the signaling zone. For more information, refer to SIP Profiles.


The SBC Core supports up to 64 SIP-to-CPC and 64 CPC-to-SIP cause code mapping profiles.

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile <profile name>
	baseProfile <defaultCpcSip | defaultQ1912CpcSip | defaultRfc3398CpcSip | defaultTs29163CpcSip>
	causeMap <CPC cause value> 
	includeQ850Reason <disabled | enabled> 
	unrecAction <q1912Procedure | rfc3398Procedure | ts29163Procedure> 

% show profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile

% delete profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile <profile name> 

Command Parameters

The CPC SIP Cause Code Mapping Profile parameters are shown below:

CPC SIP Cause Code Mapping Profile Parameters







<baseProfile name> – The name of the default SIP-to-CPC Mapping Profile on which to base this new profile. Default profiles include the following:

  • defaultCpcSip
  • defaultQ1912CpcSip
  • defaultRFC3398CpcSip
  • defaultTs29163CpcSip

The above base profiles cannot be modified. The base profile that you designate will be copied to the profile that you create. Additions, modifications, and deletions may subsequently be applied to the new profile using the set command.



Specifies the SIP-to-CPC cause mapping values. Enter cause map value between 1-255 and specify the following reasons:

  • q850Reason – Q.850 reason for a given CPC cause value. Specifies the Reason Header Q.850 value to include in the SIP message (when the includeQ850Reason parameter is enabled). Also indicates the cause code value to include in MIME encapsulated ISUP, if the call uses SIP-I signaling. (range: 0- 127 / default = 0).

    A value of "0" indicates that the Reason Header Q.850 value should be equal to the predefined ISUP mapping associated with the cpcCause value. If no predefined ISUP mapping exists (as for internal cause codes 151-159), the ISDN mapping is used.

  • sipCause – SIP Cause value for a given CPC cause value. (range: 300-606).

This parameter applies to cpcToSipCauseMapProfile only.



Specifies whether the SIP error messages associated with this profile will include a Reason Header Q.850 value taken from the q850Reason parameter.

  • enabled – SIP error messages associated with this profile will include a Reason Header Q.850 value taken from the q850Reason parameter.
  • disabled (default) – the SIP error messages will not include a q850Reason value.



Specifies SIP cause value to use when an unrecognized ISUP cause value is received (a value that is not present in the cpcToSipCauseMapProfile):

  • q1912Procedure – Use the default value of the ISUP class of the unrecognized cause code and map that value to the SIP cause value, the default in defaultQ1912CpcSip.
  • rfc3398Procedure – Use SIP 500 message (SERVER INTERNAL ERROR), the default in defaultRFC3398CpcSip.
  • ts29163Procedure