
This object is accessible only in SBC SWe and Cloud environments.

Use this window to view and create Swe codec mix profiles for use in traffic profiles. A codec mix profile can be attached as either the Pass-through Codec Profile or Transcoding Codec Profile in a traffic profile.

This profile includes the following default profiles:

  • G711_20ms: Using 100% G711 (20 ms) calls.
  • G711_G729_20ms: Using 50% of G729AB (20 ms) and 50% G711 (20ms).
  • G7112G711 - The percentage value of this codec indicates the proportion of total number of sessions designated for pure G711 transcoding (G711-G711). This is applicable for Hybrid Transcoding and CPU transcoding solutions.
  • T38

To View Swe Codec Mix Profiles

On the SBC main screen, go to All > System > Swe Codec Mix Profile. The Swe Codec Mix Profile window opens.

SWe Codec Mix Profile

To Create a Codec Mix Profile

On the Swe Codec Mix profile window:

  1. Click New Swe Codec Mix Profile. The Create New Swe Codec Mix Profile window opens.

    Create New Swe Codec Mix Profile Window

  2. Use the following table to add codec mix profile entries and click Save. If necessary, add additional entries until the percentages of the entries belonging to the same profile (having the same name) equal 100. You can have a maximum of 20 entries in the table.

Swe Codec Mix Profile Parameters


Codec Mix Profile Name

The codec mix profile name. Enter a unique SWe Codec Mix Profile name or one of the default profiles:
  • G711_20ms – Configured with 100% G.711 (20 ms) calls.
  • G711_G729_20ms – Configured with 50% G.729AB (20 ms) and 50% G.711 (20 ms).
  • G7112G711 - The percentage value of this codec indicates the proportion of total number of sessions designated for pure G711 transcoding (G711-G711). This is applicable for Hybrid Transcoding and CPU transcoding solutions.
  • T38

The SWe Codec Mix Profile is attachable to either the Passthrough Codec Profile or Transcoding Codec Profile objects of the SWe Traffic Profile.


  • The SBC SWe supports up to 20 Codec Mix Profiles. To create additional profiles, delete any inactive custom profiles.
  • DSP-based tone detection is available only on GPU - I-SBC profiles.
  • The following CPU and GPU codecs are supported for SBC SWe on Openstack and KVM:
    • GPU + CPU codecs : AMR-NB, AMR-WB, EVRC, EVRCB, G729, G722, G711
    • CPU only codecs :  G723, G726, G7221, ILBC, OPUS, SILK_8, SILK_16, EVS, G7112G711, T38
  • You can provision CPU codecs in the codec profile and associate it with the GPU traffic profile; however, you must provision at least one GPU codec in the sweCodecMixProfile.


A codec name. Refer to Audio Codecs for the list of supported codecs.

Packetization time for the codec in milliseconds.

  • p10
  • p20
  • p30
  • p40
  • p60
  • p50
  • p80
  • p100

Note: For SBC SWe Cloud 8.1, ptime values p80 and p100 are not tested.


The percentage allocated for the codec within the profile.


  • The sum of all percentage entries of all columns in any row of the transcoding profile table must equal 100.
  • Floating point values are supported as percentage values; the allowed percentage range is 0.00-100.00.
  • The percentage value for G7112G711 is used for estimating transcode and bandwidth cost.
  • The percentage value for G711 is not used for estimating transcode cost, but is used for bandwidth calculation of PXPAD scenarios.
  • The percentage value for G711 cannot be greater than the percentage value of non-G711 codecs.


In Hybrid Transcoding scenario, the SBC is provisioned with GPU UXPADs and CPU UXPADs. However, the GPU does not support all codecs; for the supported codecs, there is a preference to enable them on GPU accelerated UXPADs instead of CPU UXPADs. The CPU UXPADs augment the overall transcode capacity, and supports the codecs that are not supported on GPU accelerated UXPADs.

The output of dspStatus provides information on the overall DSP (GPU + CPU) utilization. However, the output of gpuTranscodeStatus and cpuTranscodeStatus provides a segregated view of the respective channel utilization, and the load on GPU UXPADs and CPU UXPADs.

A segregated view helps to ensure that the application prefers GPU accelerated UXPADs for its supported codecs. In addition, since codecs capacities are provisioned apriori for GPU based solutions, the output of gpuTranscodeStatus reveals if a certain codec capacity is exhausted on the GPU.

Note that:

  • For pure GPU transcoding, the gpuTranscodeStatus and dspStatus provides the same output.
  • For pure CPU transoding, the cpuTranscodeStatus and dspStatus provides the same output.

Ribbon recommends monitoring of the status of codec channel capacities for codecs provisioned on GPU (on a per GPU device basis), as well as on CPU. For more information on the process, refer to the following pages:

To Edit a Codec Mix Profile Entry

Standard codec mix profile entries cannot be edited. You can edit a custom codec mix profile entry.

On the Swe Codec Mix profile window:

  1. Click to select the radio button adjacent to the profile entry you want to edit. The Edit Selected Swe Codec Mix Profile window opens.
  2. Edit the Percentage value and Click Save.

To Delete a Codec Mix Profile Entry

Standard codec mix profile entries cannot be deleted. You can delete a custom codec mix profile entry that is not currently in use.

On the Swe Codec Mix profile window:

  1. Click to select the radio button adjacent to the profile entry you want to delete.
  2. Confirm the deletion when prompted.