In this Section:

Use this object to configure HPC call queuing for trunk groups.

Edit Queue

  1. Log on to the EMA as admin and navigate to All > Profiles > Services > Hpc Call Profile > Queue.
  2. The Queue window displays. Select a Hpc Call Profile from the drop-down list.



  3. The Edit Queue panel displays.


    Edit Queue

    Queue parameters

    StateN/ADisabledUse this flag to enable or disable the queuing of HPC calls.
     - Disabled (default)
     - Enabled
    Note: Do not enable HPC call queuing for ingress and egress trunk groups simultaneously.
    Length1-25650Specifies the maximum number of calls that can simultaneously queue at each trunk group.O

    Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) that an HPC call remains queued before the SBC stops the attempt to connect the call in the associated trunk group.

    Note: When call is queued on the egress TG and the queue timer expires, the SBC sends a 408 response towards the ingress side to release the queued call. For the same scenario in a GW-GW call, the ingress SBC sends a 503 response instead of 408.



    By default, the SBC sends a response code 600 when the call queue is full. To configure the SBC to send the response code 503 when the call queue is full, execute  similar commands as described below:

        % set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping cpcToSipCauseMapProfile TEST baseProfile defaultCpcSip causeMap 161 sipCause 503

        % set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup INGRESS_TG signaling causeCodeMapping cpcSipCauseMappingProfile TEST

        % commit

  4. Edit the values and click Save.

For more information and configuration examples, refer to HPC Call Profile - CLI.