In this section:
Ribbon provides a set of Heat template examples to assist you in developing a template to instantiate the type of deployment that fits your needs and environment. Beyond the required SBC parameters, these reference templates provide examples of deployment variations that are common in SBC deployments. The use cases described in this section are not specific to the SBC, they are based on standard OpenStack concepts and parameters. Refer to OpenStack documentation, or documentation from your OpenStack provider, for more information on implementing SR-IOV or VLANs in your deployment.
The heatRgNoDhcp.yaml
reference template includes the statements required to enable single root input/output virtualization (SR-IOV) in the section where virtual NICs (ports) are defined. In the reference template, these lines are commented out for all of the interfaces and therefore does not enable SR-IOV until you edit it. Use the following procedure to modify the sample template file to enable SR-IOV support for one or more interfaces.
To enable SR-IOV on an interface:
<interfaceName> EDIT
is one of the following: pkt0 | pkt1 | mgt0 | ha0
binding:vnic_type: direct
The heatRgActiveVlanProviderNetworkNoDhcpTemplate.yaml
reference template includes statements to set up virtual local area networks (VLANs) on the provider (pkt) networks.
To support using VLANs on virt-io vNICs in OpenStack you must create three types of neutron ports:
The following excerpts from the template show statements to define the resources required for the deployment, including the ports. In the final two lines of the excerpt, notice that the statements attaching the pkt0 and pkt1 ports use get_attr
rather than get_resource
because the parent ports were created earlier in the resources section..
resources: parent_port_pkt0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param : private_network_pkt0 } sub_port_pkt0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param : provider_vlan_network_pkt0 } mac_address: { get_attr: [parent_port_pkt0, mac_address] } fixed_ips: - ip_address: { get_param: pkt0VlanIPAddress } security_groups: - { get_param: security_group } trunk_port_pkt0: type: OS::Neutron::Trunk properties: port: { get_resource: parent_port_pkt0 } sub_ports: - { port: { get_resource: sub_port_pkt0 }, segmentation_type: vlan, segmentation_id: {get_param: pkt0VlanId } } parent_port_pkt1: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param : private_network_pkt1 } sub_port_pkt1: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param : provider_vlan_network_pkt1 } mac_address: { get_attr: [parent_port_pkt1, mac_address] } fixed_ips: - ip_address: { get_param: pkt1VlanIPAddress } security_groups: - { get_param: security_group } trunk_port_pkt1: type: OS::Neutron::Trunk properties: port: { get_resource: parent_port_pkt1 } sub_ports: - { port: { get_resource: sub_port_pkt1 }, segmentation_type: vlan, segmentation_id: {get_param: pkt1VlanId } } # Create active vSBC instance vSBC_ACTIVE: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: "OS::stack_name" } image: { get_param: image } flavor: { get_param: flavor } config_drive: True availability_zone: {get_param: availability_zone} # Attach previously created network ports to the instance networks: - port: { get_resource: mgt0_port1 } - port: { get_resource: ha0_port1 } - { port: { get_attr: [trunk_port_pkt0, port_id] } } - { port: { get_attr: [trunk_port_pkt1, port_id] } }
Later in the template the VLAN IDs and IP addresses are provided as input in the metadata section, as shown in the following excerpt.
IF_PKT0_V01: str_replace: template: | { "VlanId": "$vlan_id", "Port": "$port_name", "DHCP": "False", "GW$ip_version": "$gateway_ip", "IP$ip_version": "$ip_address" } params: $port_name: "Pkt0" $vlan_id: { get_param: pkt0VlanID } $ip_version: { get_param: pkt0VlanIpVersion } $ip_address: { list_join: ['/', [ { get_param: pkt0VlanIPAddress }, { get_param: pkt0VlanSubnetPrefix}]] } $gateway_ip: { get_param: pkt0VlanGateway } IF_PKT1_V01: str_replace: template: | { "VlanId": "$vlan_id", "Port": "$port_name", "DHCP": "False", "GW$ip_version": "$gateway_ip", "IP$ip_version": "$ip_address" } params: $port_name: "Pkt1" $vlan_id: { get_param: pkt1VlanID } $ip_version: { get_param: pkt1VlanIpVersion } $ip_address: { list_join: ['/', [ { get_param: pkt1VlanIPAddress }, { get_param: pkt1VlanSubnetPrefix}]] } $gateway_ip: { get_param: pkt1VlanGateway }
For more information on using VLANs in Openstack, refer to the following: