Configuring the LI Call Data Channel (CDC)

This section outlines how to configure the node number and IPsec of the Default LI.

For information about configuring the Default LI on the S-SBC, M-SBC, or I-SBC, refer to the following pages:

Configuring the Node Number LI

As a Calea user, use the following command to configure the LI.

% set addressContext default intercept  
   nodeNumber <integer>

  • If the CDC is configured through the EMS, the node number is configured automatically by the EMS.
  • If the CDC is configured through the SBC, the node number must be configured along with the CDC on the SBC.

Configuring the IPsec for Signaling Interception

Configure IPsec as the admin user.

For an IPsec on the X2 interface of the I-SBC Default LI, configure the IPsec on the I-SBC. For an IPsec on the X2 interface of the D-SBC Default LI, configure the IPsec on the S-SBC.

  • This optional configuration is mandatory if a secure connection is required between the SBC and the mediation server.
  • The SBC does not support IPsec for media interception over UDP.
  • The SPD entry must create the following entries:
    • localIdentity ipAddress – The SBC interface group IP associated with the LI CDC.

    • remoteIdentity ipAddress – The mediation server IP configured in the LI CDC.

  • The recommended setting for LI IPsec mode is transport.


For more information about IPsec configuration, refer to IP Security - CLI.

Viewing the Default LI Configuration Statistics

As a Calea user, use the following command in the system-level mode to retrieve the LI statistics.

> show status addressContext default intercept interceptCallDataChannelStatistics
interceptCallDataChannelStatistics default { 
    primaryChannelStatus    inService;
    secondaryChannelStatus  outOfService;
    StartSuccess            0;
    StartFailures           0;
    StopSuccess             0;
    StopFailures            0;
    CallAnswerSuccess       0;
    CallAnswerFailures      0;
    CallDisconnectSuccess   0;
    CallDisconnectFailures  0;
    ServiceInstanceSuccess  0;
    ServiceInstanceFailures 0;
    IndicationSuccess       0;
    IndicationFailures      0;
    KeepAliveSuccess        1;
    KeepAliveFailures       0;
    RestartSuccess          1;
    RestartFailures         0;
    RadiusAckReceived       2;
    StartResponsesReceived  0;

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