In this section:

Use the Local Record window to create and work with local DNS resource records. Local resource records are associated with a particular address context and DNS group and are used to locally resolve an FQDN rather than querying an external server.

To View Local Records

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Base Provisioning > DNS > Servers > DNS > DNS Group > Local Record or
All > Address Context > DNS Group > Local Record

The Local Record window opens showing all configured local records. Use the Address Context and DNS Group drop-down lists to filter the list.

DNS Group - Local Record


To Create a Local Record

Local DNS records must be associated with a specific address context and DNS group. To create a new local record entry:

  1. Select the Address Context and DNS Group with which you want to associate the local record. The New Local Record option becomes available.
  2. Click New Local Record. The Create New Local Record window is displayed.

    Create New Local Record Window

  3. Use the following table to configure the options and then click Save. After creating the record, add additional parameter values to the record on the Data window. Refer to Local Record - Data.

Local Record Parameters




The name for the local DNS record, up to 23 characters.

Note: Ensure the DNS local record name (not the FQDN to be resolved) is globally unique.

Host Name

Specifies the host name for the local DNS record, up to 127 characters. The host name must be unique across all records.


Specifies the administrative state for the local DNS record. The options are:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (default)


Specifies the look up order for the local DNS record. The options are:

  • Priority (default)—Specifies the look up order is according to the priority configured for the DNS record data entry.
  • Roundrobin—Specifies that the calls which land on a SCM task will access the DNS record entries in a round-robin fashion with respect to that SCM task.

  • Centralized-roundrobin—Specifies that the calls will access DNS record entries in a round-robin fashion with respect to the whole system.

To Edit a Local Record

To edit a local DNS record object:

  1. Click the radio button next to the local record you want to edit. The Edit Selected Local Record window opens.
  2. Modify the options as needed and click Save.

To Delete a Local Record

To delete a local DNS record object:

  1. Click the radio button next to the local DNS record object that you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete (X) icon at the end of the row. 
  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.


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