Prior to instantiating the SBC SWe Cloud on OpenStack, you must create the types of OpenStack flavors your SBC instances require. Flavors define the amount of RAM and disk space and the number of cores to allocate to a particular instance when it is deployed. Refer to the OpenStack Requirements page for a list of the specific requirements for different types of SBC instances.

You can add the required flavors to your OpenStack system using the Horizon dashboard GUI screens when logged in as an administrator. Note that the SBC does not have requirements for ephemeral disk/swap disk space or an RX/TX factor; these parameters can be left at their default values. Refer to OpenStack documentation or the documentation provided by your OpenStack vendor for more information. 

You also have the option to create flavors using the OpenStack CLI. Refer to the VNF Performance Tuning page for an example of CLI commands, including additional parameters added to enhance performance.

During orchestration of your deployment you must specify the flavor into which you want to deploy your SBC instances. This can be done through the Heat template, environment file, or GUI if you deploy using Heat templates. If you deploy using VNFM, an appropriate flavor type for the deployment is selected by minimum requirements set within the VNFD file. 

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