The stiProfile enables authenticated identity management and is associated to a SIP Trunk Group.

If the state of the stiProfile attached to the ingress SIP Trunk Group is enabled, the SBC sends STI-related information to the PSX, which is provisioned to either sign, verify, or tag the call.

The SBC then receives information from the PSX about the service performed: signing, verification or tagging. Also based on the provisioning on the PSX, the SBC receives an indication per STI header or parameter for egress processing.

The stiProfile must be enabled on the egress SIP Trunk Group for STI headers or parameters to be signaled on the egress and the CDR fields to be populated by SBC.

For transparently passing a Date Header, the existing Header Transparency feature on the SBC is used.

Command Syntax

The CLI syntax to configure the STI Profile is shown below:

% set profiles services stiProfile <profileName> state <disblaed | enabled>

Command Parameters

Secure Telephony Identity Profile



<profile name>

Secure Telephone Identity profile name (1-23 characters).


Indicates whether STI procedures should be applied.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Command Example

An example follows:

% set profiles services stiProfile STIPROFILE1 state enabled
Commit complete.