In this section:

This section specifies the parameters associated with Trap Target.

Up to 32 trap targets can be configured on the SBC.

To View Trap Target

On SBC main screen, go to Administration > Traps and SNMP > SNMP > Trap Target. The Trap Target window is displayed.

SNMP - Trap Target

To Edit Trap Target

To edit any of the Trap Targets, click the radio button next to the specific Trap Traget name.

SNMP - Trap Target Highlighted

The Edit Selected Trap Target window is displayed below.

SNMP - Trap Target Edit

Make the required changes and click Save to save the changes.

To Create New Trap Target

To create a new Trap Target, click New Trap Target tab on the Trap Target List panel.

SNMP - Trap Target Fields

The Create New Trap Target window is displayed.

SNMP - Trap Target Create

Enter all the required fields. You can click Show only required fields at the left hand bottom of the panel to view and enter only the required fields to create a new Trap Target.

The following fields are displayed:

Trap Targets Parameters

Nameup to 32 CharactersNASpecifies the name of the trap traget.
IP AddressNANASpecifies the IP address of the trap target, which can be of type:
  • IPv4 – This is V4 IP address in dotted decimal form (for example,
  • IPv6 – This is V6 IP address in hexadecimal/colon form (for example, 1280:1276:3350:2224:2222:3333:8888:1245 or fd00:21:445:128::7880)
Port1-65535162Specifies the port number for SNMP traps. The value ranges from 1 to 65535 and the default value is 162.
Trap Type





v2Specifies the type of the trap sent to the target. Options are:
  • inform – SNMP notifications will be sent to the trap target server.
  • v1 – SNMPv1 traps will be sent to the trap target server.
  • v2 (default) – SNMPv2 traps will be sent to the trap target server.
  • v3 – SNMPv3 traps will be sent to the trap target server.
Trap Usernameup to 32 CharactersadminSpecifies the trap target SNMPV3 security name.
Trap Security Level




authPrivSpecifies the trap target security level. The options are:
  • authNoPriv: Authenticated but unencrypted.
  • authPriv: Authenticated and encrypted.
  • noAuthNoPriv:Unauthenticated and unencrypted.



disabledSpecifies the configured state of the trap target entry. Options are:
  • disabled (default) – No traps are sent to the trap server.
  • enabled – Traps are sent to the trap server.

To Copy Trap Target

To copy any of the created Trap Target and to make any minor changes, click the radio button next to the specific Trap Target name to highlight the row.

SNMP - Trap Target Highlighted

Click Copy Trap Target tab on the Trap Target List panel.

SNMP - Trap Target Fields

The Copy Trap Target window is displayed along with the field details which can be edited.

SNMP - Trap Target Copy Window

Make the required changes to the required fields and click Save to save the changes.

To Delete Trap Target

To delete any of the created Trap Targets, click the radio button next to the specific Trap Target name which you want to delete.

SNMP - Trap Target Highlighted

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

SNMP - Trap Target Delete Confirmation

Click Yes to remove the specific Trap Target.


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