1. Use this object to configure various metrics/parameters related to Call Admission Controls on the egress leg.

    On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Address Context > Zone > Gw Trunk Group > CAC > Egress.

    1. The Egress window is displayed.


      Gw Trunk Group - CAC Egress - Edit Egress

      Note: An example dialog box is shown here. Refer to the Table below for model-specific allowed values (blue font in the example) for Call Rate Max and Call Burst Max.

    2. Select Address ContextZone and Gw Trunk Group from their respective drop-down lists.
    3. The Edit Egress window is displayed.
    4. Make necessary changes and click Save. Click Clear to cancel the changes.

    The parameters displayed on the Edit Egress window are:

    Edit Egress - Parameter Description Table

    Call LimitTotal number of concurrent calls (0-2147483647, or unlimited), allowed on the egress leg. (default=unlimited)
    Emergency OversubscriptionThe percentage (0-1000) of resource oversubscription allowed for emergency calls. (default=10)
    Hpc OversubscriptionThis parameter specifies the amount of resource over-subscription (0-100), as a percentage, that are allowed for HPC. When the baseline call limit and bandwidth limit are reached, normal calls are not admitted, but additional HPC are allowed up to the configured percentage value. (default=10)
    Call Rate Max

    Specifies the value of maximum allowed burst in calls/second (above the allowed sustained rate) for egress call attempts.

    SBC 5xx0 / 5400 / SWe - Range: 1-450, or unlimited. (The default value is unlimited.)

    SBC 7000 - Range: 1-1,350, or unlimited. (The default value is unlimited.)

    Note: You can set both “callBurstMax” and “CallRateMax” as unlimited; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.

    Call Burst Max

    Specifies the value of maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for egress call attempts in calls/second. 

    SBC 5xx0/5400 / SWe - Range: 1-900, or unlimited. (The default value is unlimited.)

    SBC 7000 - Range: 1-2,700, or unlimited. (The default value is unlimited.)

    Note: You can set both “callBurstMax” and “CallRateMax” as unlimited; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.


    Call policing, using Call Rate Max and Call Burst Max, is applicable only to normal and emergency calls, and not to high priority calls (HPC).


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