Use the following procedure to configure the SBC to establish call recordings triggered from the PSX or from the ERE.

Triggering Call Recording From PSX

  1. Configure the SBC for a basic call.

  2. Install SIPREC license on the SBC using the EMS.

  3. Configure the external PSX.

    % set system policyServer localServer PSX_LOCAL_SERVER mode outOfService state disabled
    % set system policyServer remoteServer <psx name> ipAddress <psx_ip> portNumber <psx_port> state enabled mode active
  4. Create a recorder profile on the PSX and configure call recording criteria of the recorder profile.

    • If there is more than one SRS associated with the SRS Cluster, the SBC records on both the legs (Ingress and Egress). The first two recordings are on Ingress leg and the rest on Egress.
    • For Quad SIPREC, there are four recordings triggered. Two recordings are triggered on the Ingress leg and two on the Egress leg.
    • If there is more than one SRS Group configured, it is recommended to set recordingType to "both legs" or "all legs".

    Create Recorder Profile

    Configure Call Recording Criteria

  5. Create a SIP signaling port on the SBC towards the recorder, and enable SIPREC. The Supported Transport protocols must match the protocol used in PSX. If TLS is used, set the corresponding TLS Profile in the SIP Sig port.

    % set addressContext <ADDRESS-CONTEXT> zone <ZONE> sipSigPort <SIP SIGNALLING PORT> siprec enabled 

    A Trunk group is configured towards the SRS server. As this is not a call processing TG, only the following TG attributes are used by the SBC when allocating resources towards SRS for a Recording session:

    • Media IP Inteface Group Name
    • SIP Signaling Port ( with "siprec" attribute enabled) 
  6. Create a trunk group from the SBC for recording, including the following configurations:

    1. Configure Media IP Interface Group name

    2. Configure Metadata profile


      Ensure the name of the trunk group is is identical to the one used above while creating the Recorder profile in the PSX.

  7. Add static routes toward the recorder.

  8. The SIP SRS (SIPREC Recording Servers) redundancy requires the SRS servers to be provisioned as ipPeers in the SBC under specific zone and a pathCheck profile must be assigned with pathCheck pings enabled on IP Peer level. Follow these steps to configure pathCheck Profile for an SRS IP:

    1. Create a pathCheck Profile.

      % set profiles services pathCheckProfile <pathCheckProfile_name> protocol sipOptions
      % commit 
    2. Configure the SRS as an ipPeer in the SIPREC zone (the zone containing the Trunk Group configured for the SRS) and attach the pathcheck profile to it.

      % set addressContext <addressContext_name> zone SIPREC_ZONE ipPeer <ipPeer_name> ipAddress <SRS IP> ipPort <port> pathCheck profile <pathCheckProfile_name> state enabled
      % commit 
    3. Check the pathCheck status.

      > show table addressContext <addressContext_name> zone SIPREC_ZONE peerPathchkStatus

Triggering Call Recording From ERE

The SRS groups and Call Recording Criteria are configured using ERE.

  1. Create a SIP signaling port on the SBC towards the recorder, and enable SIPREC.

    % set addressContext <ADDRESS-CONTEXT> zone <ZONE> sipSigPort <SIP SIGNALLING PORT> siprec enabled 

    To support SIPREC INVITE over TCP, the sipSigPort, which is configured in the zone for SIPREC must have transportProtocolsAllowed as sip-tcp.

    % set addressContext <ADDRESS-CONTEXT> zone <ZONE> sipSigPort <SIP SIGNALLING PORT> transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tcp
  2. Create a trunk group from the SBC for recording.

    % set addressContext <ADDRESS-CONTEXT> zone <ZONE> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup>

    The same trunk group name must be used in CLI startRecord command and Start Record command of EMA GUI.

  3. Add static routes toward the recorder.

  4. Create an SRS Group profile.

    1. CLI method:

      % set global servers srsGroupProfile <srs_group name> loadDistribution <roundRobin | sequence> description <string, min: 0 chars, max: 199 chars> numSimultaneousStream <range 1..2> srsGroupData <Priority_range 0..7> ipAddress <signaling ipv4/ipv6address_of_the_SRS> ipPort <signaling_port_of_the_SRS> ipTGId <Ip_Trunkgroup_Id> srtp <disable | enable> cryptoSuiteProfile <cryptoSuiteProfile> transport <udp | tcp>

      The option cryptoSuiteProfile is visible only when the flag srtp is enabled. 

    2. EMA method:

      Enabling SRTP

  5. Start recording from the CLI or EMA.


    When recording is initiated from CLI/EMA, disable call recording criteria (or check that call recording criteria does not match); otherwise, recording is not initiated through CLI/EMA.


    1. CLI method

      To configure siprec startRecord request, execute the following command both on the ingress and egress legs:

      % request global sipRec startRecord gcid <GCID> callLeg ingress numOfStreams <Number of recorders  1 or 2> srsIpAddress <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsPort <SRS PORT> transport <tcp | udp> trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME> srsIpAddress2 <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsPort2 <SRS Port> transport2 <tcp | udp> trunkGroup2 <SIP Trunk Group> 
      % request global sipRec startRecord gcid <GCID> callLeg egress numOfStreams <Number of recorders  1 or 2> srsIpAddress <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsPort <SRS PORT> transport <tcp | udp> trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME> srsIpAddress2 <SRS IP ADDRESS> srsPort2 <SRS Port> transport2 <tcp | udp> trunkGroup2 <SIP Trunk Group> 
    2. EMA method

      On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > SIPrec. Select Start Record command from the commands drop-down list.

      EMA Start Record Command

      Click startRecord.

  6. To stop recording, use one of the methods below.
    1. CLI method:

      % request global sipRec stopRecord gcid <GCID> recorderAddress <IP Address> recorderPort <Port Number>
    2. EMA method:

      On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > SIPrec. Select Stop Record command from the commands drop-down list.

      EMA Stop Record Command

      Click stopRecord.

  7. To view the details of the calls being recorded from CLI or EMA
    1. CLI method:


      If only the GCID value is mentioned in the stopRecord, all the multiple recordings for that GCID are stopped at once.

      show table global SipRecStatus
      1  ingress
      131072  ingress
    2. EMA method:

      On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > SIP rec Status

      SIPREC Status Example

  8. Create a SRS Group Cluster
    1. CLI method:
      For more information, refer to Servers - SRS Group Cluster - CLI

    2. EMA Method:
      For more information, refer to Global - Servers - Srs Group Cluster - Srs Group Cluster Data
  9. Create Call Recording Criteria.

    % set global servers callRecordingCriteria <call_recording_criteria_ID>  srsGroupId <srs_group_ID> calledPartyId <called_party_number> callingPartyId <calling_party_number> egressTgId <egressTrunkGroup_ID> ingressTgId <IngressTrunkGroup_ID> nextHopIP <ipv4/ipv6_address_of_the_next_hop> nextHopIP <ipv4/ipv6address_of_the_next_hop> previousHopIP <ipv4/ipv6address_of_the  previous_hop> recordingStopCriteria <manual | numOfCalls> numberOfCalls <Range 0 .. 99999>  recorderType <SIPRec | mct> recordingDuration <Range 0..3600> recordingType <allLegs | bothLegs | egressLeg | ingressLeg> criteriaState <disable | enable>