Use this parameter to include up to 16 numbers in a Test Call Number Profile.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Profiles > Services > Test Call Number Profile > Test Call Number.

The Test Call Number window displays containing the Test Call Number List frame. Select the name of the profile from the drop-down list Test Call Number Profile.

Test Call Number


To Create a New Test Call Number

To create a new Test Call Number, click the  button. The Create New Test Call Number frame displays as shown in the following example..

Create New Test Call Number


The parameters are described in the table below:

Parameter Description Table


<digits> – The test call number (1-24 digits per number) to include in the Test Call Number Profile. The test call number can include a + (plus) sign.

NOTE: The SBC supports up to 16 test call numbers per Test Call Number Profile. The process to identify a test call number is accomplished by using exact match.


Click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to roll back the changes to the last saved state. A pop-up displays to acknowledge successful saving of the changes. Click Ok to complete the process.

To Copy a Test Call Number

To copy a Test Call Number, select the number from the Test Call Number List frame.

Selected Test Call Number


Click the  button. The Copy Selected Test Call Number window displays as shown in the example.

Copy Selected Test Call Number


Make necessary changes, and then click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to roll back the changes to the last saved state. A pop-up displays to acknowledge successful saving of the changes. Click Ok to complete the process.

To Delete Test Call Number

To delete a Test Call Number, select the number from the Test Call Number List frame.

Selected Test Call Number


Click the Delete symbol corresponding to the selected number. A pop-up message displays, asking for confirmation to proceed with the deletion process.

Delete Message confirmation


Click Yes to proceed with deletion. A pop-up message displays to acknowledge successful deletion. Click Ok on the pop-up to complete the deletion process.

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