
Beginning with SBC Core release 7.0, the SBC is configured in legacy license mode by default. The “local” and “network” options for license mode that were supported for SBC SWe in prior releases are being phased out. Although some references to local license mode remain in documentation, the CLI, or the EMA UI, local license mode is not supported.

If your SBC SWe deployment was configured to use network license mode in a prior release, the tools to monitor and configure network-mode licensing remain available but will be phased out in the future. Contact your Ribbon Sales Representative for more information on licensing and assistance in updating your license.

The License Feature Status window displays information on the status of features which are controlled by license.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > System > License Feature Status. The  License Feature Status window is displayed

License Feature Status


The following fields are displayed:

Feature NameIndicates the name of a licensed feature.
License SoughtIndicates how many times a license for the specified feature was sought.
License Not ReceivedIndicates how many times a license was not received after being sought.
License Installed"Yes" means the feature is part of a legacy license bundle with a positive count, or the license is specified in the required license table for network licensing.
Current License Availability

Options are:

  • Available - feature is present in a legacy license bundle with a positive count, or the most recent request to a network license server returned success.
  • Not Required - feature is not present in the installed license.
  • Unavailable - the most recent request for a network license returned failure.
  • Grace Period - the SLS is unreachable.
  • Expired - the legacy license expiration date has passed.
Current Licenses TotalIndicates the usage limit for the feature.
Current Licenses in UseIndicates the number of licenses currently in use.
Licensing Status

Options are:

  • Feature Enabled - license is available.
  • Feature Disabled - license is not available.
  • Call Admission Enabled - license is available or license availability is not required. Calls are accepted.
  • Call Admission Disabled - license is unavailable and call admission is not possible until license becomes available.



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