Use the SIP Sig Controls window to configure SIP signaling parameters at the global level.

To View and Edit SIP Sig Controls

On the SBC main screen, go to All > Global >  Signaling > SIP Sig Controls. The SIP Sig Controls window opens.

SIP Sig Controls Window

Use the following table to make any changes and then click Save.

SIP Sig Controls Parameters

Parameter Description
Loop Detection Feature

Specifies whether or not the SIP stack will perform loop detection on incoming INVITE messages. The options are:

  • Enabled (default)
  • Disabled
Registrar Support Contact Param

Specifies whether a Registrar supports parameters in the Contact header:

  • Enabled (default): Parameters in the Contact header are supported. In most cases, you should select the Enabled setting.
  • Disabled: Parameters in the Contact header are not supported. This value is provided only for backwards compatibility.
Suppress Error Info HdrSpecifies whether to suppress the Error-Info header in a response to a request message with syntax error. The options are:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled (default)
Max Pdu Size Value

The maximum PDU size that is recognized by SBC software: The options are:

  • pdusize2kb
  • pdusize3kb
  • pdusize6kb
  • pdusize15kb (default)
  • pdusize32kb
  • pdusize60kb
Egress RNParam

Specifies whether the SBC sends a Redirecting Number Information Element (RNIE) in the egress leg of a call per RFC 3398 when the Request URI and the To header differ.

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (default)
Multiple Contacts Per Aor

This flag enables support of multiple contacts per Address Of Record (AoR).

  • Disabled – Only a single contact per Address of Record is supported.
  • Enabled (default) – The SBC maintains different Registration Control Blocks (RCBs) for each new registration and verifies the source IP address and port during RCB lookup.

The SBC supports validating the source IP address and the port even if Multiple Contacts Per Aor is Disabled. The SBC also supports locating the RCB using the AoR to perform additional validation on the source IP address and port if the option Require Registration is set to "required" or "required-non-priority". This is applicable for both calls and out-of-dialog (OOD) requests that are originated from the IAD.

In case of refresh registration that is originated from a different IP/port, the SBC forwards the request to the registrar and moves the state to "UPDATING". Any calls or OOD requests that are originated from the IAD while the RCB is in updating state must be validated using the previously authenticated IP/port.

When Multiple Contacts Per Aor is Enabled, the SBC maintains different RCBs for each new registration. A registration is considered new when the source IP/port of the REGISTER request is different from an earlier registration for the same AoR. Any of the registered UEs may initiate a communication on behalf of the AoR, and the SBC fetches the corresponding RCB based on the source IP/port of the UE.

NOTE: Even though the default value of Multiple Contacts Per Aor is Enabled, during an upgrade the value can be either "Enabled" or "Disabled".

Refer to Multiple Contacts per AoR for additional details.

Send De Register Contact As Star

Enable this option to allow the SBC to send the Contact header as an asterisk (*) in de-REGISTER messages if Multiple Contacts Per Aor is Disabled.

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (default)
Ucid Node IDSpecifies the UCID Node Id to be used to generate the UCID in the User-to-User header. The value ranges from 0 to 32676 and the default value is 0.
Surrogate Register Pacing Time

Use this parameter to specify the time gap, in milliseconds, between a final response of surrogate register and the next surrogate register message sent across all peers. The value ranges from 0 to 10000 and the default value is 0.

If surrogate registration is active and you want to disable pacing, first disable surrogate registration for all Peers from the IP Peer- Surrogate Registration page.

NOTE: Please research the feature in order to fully understand pacing semantics before using it. This setting is not required in generic deployments. Pacing is applied to all surrogate REGISTER requests generated for all surrogate AoRs.

Send Surrogate Un Register After Reboot

Enable this option to trigger de-REGISTER messages to all AORs configured to use the Surrogate Registration feature, after a reboot.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Send503During Switchover

Use this option to control the sending of 503 message during a switchover.

  • Disabled  – The request is dropped with no 503 messages sent for INVITEs. 
  • Enabled  (default) – Send 503 message during a switchover.

NOTE: The Retry-After tag is set to 60 seconds in the 503 sent.

Egress Remove Enudmi

Use this option to control whether the SBC removes the enumdi (ENUM dip indicator) parameter from the egress Request-URI that the SBC inserts when the PSX does an ENUM query. The options are:

Disabled (default) - The SBC includes the enumdi parameter in the egress Request-URI when the PSX does an ENUM query.

Enabled - The SBC does not include the enumdi parameter in the egress Request-URI even if the PSX does an ENUM query.