Command Syntax

> show table profiles services retryProfile <retryProfile name>


Command Parameters

Retry Profile Parameters

nameThe Retry Profile name.
stateAdministrative state of the Retry Profile.
ruleIndexThe index for this trigger/action rule. 
sipResponseCodeThe SIP response code(s) triggering the specified action for this triggerActionRule.
sipWarningCodeThe warning code(s) received in the Warning header for this triggerActionRule.
actionIndexThe action index for this triggerActionRule.
actionTypeThe action(s) to take against the specified trigger.
attemptRecordGenerationWhen set to enabled, the SBC logs an ATTEMPT record to the accounting file after each retry attempt. Default value is 'disabled'.

Command Example

> show table profiles services retryProfile
                       RULE    SIP RESPONSE     SIP WARNING       ACTION                                    ATTEMPT RECORD   
NAME        STATE      INDEX   CODE             CODE              INDEX   ACTION TYPE                       GENERATION
retryProf1  enabled   1       [ 401 488 489 ]  [ 301 302 308 ]   1       fallBackSrtpToRtp,fallBackToIPV6  enabled
                                                                  2       fallBackToIPV4                    
                       2       [ 501 503 504 ]  -                 1       fallBackSrtpToRtp                 
                                                                  2       fallBackToIPV6                     

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