Command Syntax

> show table profiles services emergencyCallProfile


Command Parameters

Emergency Call Profile Parameters

name The name of the Emergency Call Profile.
cpcIf set to 'priority',  the SBC uses the SIP cpc=priority as the emergency call indicator for this profile.

If set to 'enabled', the SIP X-EMG header is accepted as an emergency call indicator for this profile.


The name of the existing Resource Priority Header (RPH) profile used for classifying a call as an emergency call based on RPH in the initial ingress INVITE.

sosInContactOfRegisterIf set to 'enable', A registration received with a "sos" parameter in the contact header is considered an emergency registration if it is enabled on the emergency call profile configured on the ingress trunk group.

An alphanumeric string representing an emergency prefix for this Emergency Call Profile.


Emergency prefix URN. 

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