In this section:


Use this command to configure custom SWe Traffic Profiles.

Command Syntax

% set system sweTrafficProfiles <profile name> 
      bhcaPerSubscriber <attempts>
      callHoldTime <seconds>
      cryptoPercent <percent>
      externalRefreshTimer <seconds>
      internalRefreshTimer <seconds>
      isAccess <false | true>
      mediaCostFactor <media factor>
      passthroughCodecProfile <profile name>
      processorCapabilityIndexOverride <false | true>
      processorCapabilityIndexOverrideValue <processor factor>
      rxPPSFactor <Rx PPS factor>
      sigCostFactor <signaling factor>
      tonesPercent <percent>
      transcodePercent <percent>
      transcodingCodecProfilec<<profile name>
      txPPSFactor <Tx PPS factor>
      useGPUForTranscoding <false | true>



Command Parameters

SWe Traffic Profile Parameter Descriptions

sweTrafficProfiles1-40 characters

<profile name> – Enter a unique SWe Traffic Profile name.

NOTE: The SBC SWe supports up to 20 SWe Traffic Profiles. To create additional profiles, delete any inactive custom profiles.


Set this flag to "true" to specify whether the deployment uses an access scenario.

  • false (default)
  • true

NOTE: When set to 'true', internalRefreshTimer, registrationRefreshInterval and bhcaPerSubscriber parameters are available for configuration.


<# attempts> (default = 1) – Indicates busy hour call attempts (BHCA) per subscriber.

NOTE: This parameter is available when accessScenario = "true".


10-10800<# seconds> – Enter the average call hold time, in seconds, of the call load for this profile. (default = 90)

<% value> (default = 0) – The percentage of media sessions (including both transcoding and passthrough) requiring cryptographic treatment.The value is 50 when there is SRTP<->RTP interworking on all calls.


<% value> (default 0) – The call load percentage for direct media, which can never be converted to pass-through calls.

NOTE: The combined total percentage of directMediaPercent and transcodePercent should not exceed 100%.


The name of the codec mix to associate with the Passthrough Codec Profile.

  • G711_20ms
  • G711_G729_20ms

Use this flag to enable/disable index overriding of the default CPU performance computation by the SBC SWe. When set to 'true', the computed indices (which are calculated during system boot-up) are ignored, and the value provided in processorCapabilityIndexOverrideValue attribute is used for all estimations.

  • false (default)
  • true

NOTE: Since use cases for overriding the default computed indices are rare, it is recommended to not set the value of processorCapabilityIndexOverride to "true" to avoid inaccurate session numbers and vCPU computations.


Use this parameter to specify the computational value to use to override the default computed indices. (default = 1)

NOTE: This parameter is available when processorCapabilityIndexOverride is set to "true". The value given should be in 0.2 to 10.


<# seconds> (default = 1800) – Use this parameter to specify the internal registration timer, in seconds.

NOTE: The parameter is available only when isAccess is set to "true".


<# seconds> (default = 1800) – Use this parameter to specify the external registration timer, in seconds.

NOTE: The parameter is available only when isAccess is set to "true".


<% value> (default = 0) – Use this parameter to specify the percentage of call load to use for transcoded calls.

NOTE: The combined total percentage of directMediaPercent and transcodePercent should not exceed 100%.


The name of the codec mix to associate with the Transcoding Codec Profile.

  • G711_20ms
  • G711_G729_20ms
tonesPercent0-100<% value> (default = 0) – Use this parameter to specify the percentage of legs to use for tones treatment.


Command Example

  1. Create custom SWe Traffic Profile.

    set system sweTrafficProfiles customProfile isAccess true bhcaPerSubscriber 2.5 callHoldTime 600 cryptoPercent 20 directMediaPercent 20 passthroughCodecProfile G711_20ms transcodePercent 30 transcodingCodecProfile customCodecMix internalRefreshTimer 3000 externalRefreshTimer 2500 tonesPercent 15 processorCapabilityIndexOverride false
  2. Create a Codec Mix Profile.

    set system sweCodecMixProfile customCodecMix g723 p20 percentage 50
    set system sweCodecMixProfile customCodecMix g711 p20 percentage 30
    set system sweCodecMixProfile customCodecMix g729 p10 percentage 20
  3. Attach a Codec Mix Profile to the SWe Traffic Profile.

    set system sweTrafficProfiles customProfile passthroughCodecProfile G711_20ms transcodePercent 30 transcodingCodecProfile customCodecMix

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