Use this flag to specify how the SBC processes Route Header and 3xx responses.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling processTgrpContext <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Process Tgrp Context Parameter


Use this flag to specify "tgrp" parameter behavior.

  • disabled (default) – If "tgrp" and "trunk-context" are present in the request URI, Route Header or 3xx is processed by the PSX depending on PSX flag setting to process the tgrp parameters.
  • enabled – If "trunk-context" is present in the request URI, Route Header or 3xx is checked against the SBC address. If they match, "tgrp" must be used for routing. Otherwsie, "tgrp" and "trunk-context" are relayed to the peer in the subsequent INVITE message.

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