Module ID | Name | Description |
ASG | Application Service Group | Provides script handling logic. |
CC | Call Control | Maintains a signaling protocol agnostic representation of overall call. |
DCM | Distributed Connection Manager | It manages the D-SBC traffic and connection status between D-SBC nodes. |
DFE | Distributed FE | Maintains call signaling channels for D-SBC communication between other remote nodes and local subsystem (NRM, NRMA, RRM, and so on.). |
DS | Directory Services | The Directory Services Process is the integration point for both internal (embedded PSX) and external policy-based routing. Its primary responsibility is to terminate the Diameter+ protocol and to convert back and forth between the internal representation of call control information (in the form of CPC structures) and the Diameter+ messages |
GWFE | Gateway Forwarding Engine | The GW FE provides terminations for signaling links between all gateways in a network to support communication between GW SGs. |
GWSG | Gateway to Gateway Service Group | Gateway to Gateway Service Group supports the H.323 based gateway to gateway signaling protocol. |
H323FE | H.323 Front End | The H323FE process provides a H.323 front-end capability. It is responsible for dispatching calls to a target application (H323SG) instance. |
H323SG | H.323 Service Group | Receives H.323 messages from H.323FE and maintains H.323 oriented representation of call leg. This module interacts with Node Resource Management agents to allocate call resources and with call control modules. |
NRM | Node Resource Manager | NRM is a centralized coordinator of system resources and it accomplishes this task via communication with its agents (NRMA) |
NRMA | Node Resource Manager Agent | Responsible for managing the allocation of specific resources needed for a call such as DSPs for transcoding. Locus of the offer-answer state machine. |
RRM | Remote Resource Manager | The Distributed RRM is responsible for location and management of individual media transport resources (XRES) and transcoding resources (DRES) across the distributed M-SBC and T-SBC cluster nodes. |
SIPFE | SIP Front End | The SIPFE process provides a SIP front-end capability. It is responsible for dispatching calls to a target application (SIPSG) instance and for all interactions with the IP transport. |
SIPSG | SIP Service Group | Parses SIP messages and maintains SIP-oriented representation of call leg. This module interacts with Node Resource Management agents to allocate call resources and with call control modules. |
TRM | Trunk Resource Manager | Provides functionality for IP trunk group selection . This module also provides checks for call counts and bandwidth for call admission control. |