Use the Flags (Redirect)  window to configure flags related to redirection processing within the egress IP attributes of a selected IP signaling profile.

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Trunk Provisioning > IP Signaling Profile > Egress IP Attributes > Redirect > Flags or 
All > Profiles > SignalingIP Signaling Profile > Egress IP Attributes > Redirect > Flags

The Flags window is displayed. In the IP Signaling Profile list, select the IP Signaling Profile for which you want to configure egress redirect flags. Note that the DEFAULT_H323 profile does not support configuring redirect flags.

Egress IP Attributes - Redirect Flags



The following fields are displayed:

Egress Ip Attributes SIP Redirect-Flags Parameters



Skip Crankback Profile And Always Crankback

Enable this flag to force any 4xx–6xx SIP response code to cause crankback so the next potential contact or 3xx response is tried. If disabled, only the response codes specified in default SBC crankback profile cause the call to crank back.

The options are:  

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable
Force Requery For Redirection

(applies to Invite requests only) Use flag to re-query ERE with contact information received in a 3xx response for redirection-type scenarios.

The options are:  

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Note: This parameter is only visible when you disable the Enhanced Local Redirection flag. These two types of handling are mutually exclusive.

Relay Unused Contact Params

When enabled, Contact parameters received in 3xx responses that are not consumed/processed locally by the SBC (see Note below) are passed through to the R-URI of subsequent INVITE request.

The options are:  

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Note: The following are the parameters that are consumed/processed locally by the SBC and excluded from this relay mechanism:

  • dtg
  • tgrp
  • trunk-context
  • cic
  • npdi
  • npi
  • rn
  • bgid
  • bgt
  • user
  • phone-context
Honor Embedded Headers in3xx

Enable this flag to allow processing of embedded headers in 3xx Contact headers for the trunk group that received the 3xx.

The options are:  

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable


  • An embedded PAI header is present in the redirected INVITE only if the “Include Embedded PAI” flag is enabled in this IPSP.
  • A 3xx with embedded headers over GW-GW is rejected with '403 Forbidden' message when "Honor embedded headers in 3xx" enabled.
Enhanced Local Redirection

Enable this flag so that in redirected call scenarios the SBC applies the same processing to redirected INVITE messages as it applies to the original egress INVITE message.

The options are:   

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Note: This parameter is only visible when you disable the Force Requery For Redirection flag. These two types of handling are mutually exclusive. This flag is Available Since release 7.2.3 R1. 

Make any required changes and click Save.