In this Section:


The Transparency Profile is the recommended method of configuring transparency on the SBC Core for new deployments as well as when applying additional transparency configurations to existing deployments. Do not use IP Signaling Profile flags in these scenarios because the flags will be retired in upcoming releases.

Refer to the SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for additional information.

Use this object to configure Packet Service Profile flags.

To View and Edit Flags

On SBC main screen, go to Configuration > Profile Management > Category: Media Profiles > Packet Service Profile > Flags.

Select the desired Packet Service Profile from the drop-down list to view its respective Flags parameters.

The Flags window is displayed.

Profile Management - Media Profiles - Packet Service Profile - Flags

The following fields are displayed:

Packet Service Profile - Flags




Disallow Data

Disallow Data Calls Flag. Specifies whether data calls are allowed. If enabled, digit data calls are rejected. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Digit Detect
Send Enabled

Digit Detect Send Enabled Flag. Specifies whether digit detection is enabled on digits sent to the network. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Note: If interworking without DSP resources is desired, this flag must be enabled.

Use Direct

Administrative state to use the direct media. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Validate Peer Support For DTMF Events

Administrative state to validate the peer support for DTMF events. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Interwork Dtmf Without Transcoding

Specifies whether to enable Interworking DTMF OOB 2833 Without Transcoding option or not. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Note: If you enable Interwork Dtmf Without Transcoding, ensure Preferred Rtp Payload Type For Dtmf Relay is set to a valid value (96-127). If Preferred Rtp Payload Type For Dtmf Relay value is invalid (set to "128"), the system may fail to pick up the value configured using "set system dspPad rtpDtmfRelay" command because DSPs are not used for the call.

Dscp Passthrough

When enabled on both the Ingress and Egress call leg, the DSCP value in the IP header of the media packets will be transparently passed through the system. Once media has been received from the peer, any value set in the typeOfService field on the PSP takes no effect when dscpPassthrough is configured on both legs for the associated call. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable
Ssrc Randomize

This parameter generates a new SSRC for the new RTP stream when re-activating the resource chain. The options are:

  • disable (default)
  • enable
HDCodec Preferred

Enable flag to set HD codecs as preferred codec over non-HD codecs even if transcoding is required. When flag is disabled, continue with existing PSP/IPSP behavior. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

When enabled,

the ingress Offer contains any valid HD codecsHD codecs are sorted to the top of the list while sending out the Offer.
all NB codecs are presentSBC reorders the codec entries with NB first, followed by HD codecs.
Codec selection priority from Answer message
  1. HD-HD pass-through
  2. HD-HD transcoding
  3. NB-NB pass-through
  4. NB-NB transcoding
  5. HD-NB transcoding


  • If Force Route PSPOrder flag is enabled, this flag does not affect the ordering of outgoing offer.
  • The flag Transcoder Free Transparency overrides this flag. If  Transcoder Free Transparency is enabled, this flag is ignored.
Prefer NBPassthru Over HDTranscode

Enable this flag to allow the SBC to choose NB-NB pass-through over HD-HD transcoded call. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

When disabled, the SBC prefers HD-HD transcoded call over NB-NB pass-thru.


  • This flag is valid only if HDCodec Preferred flag is enabled, and is applied when selecting a codec from answer.
  • The flag Transcoder Free Transparency overrides this flag. If  Transcoder Free Transparency is enabled, this flag is ignored.
Match Offered Codec Group If Nb Only

Enable this flag to allow the SBC to send only NB in outgoing offer if only NB is received in the ingress offer. Otherwise, do nothing. While sending the offer, this flag becomes is ignored if either HD-only or (HD+NB) is received in incoming offer. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

If  this flag is disabled, the SBC uses existing behavior.

Note: The flag Transcoder Free Transparency overrides this flag. If  Transcoder Free Transparency is enabled, this flag is ignored.

Force Route PSPOrder

Enable this flag to send the outgoing offer in the same order as egress route Packet Service Profile irrespective of HD/NB priorities. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable


  • If this flag is enabled, HDCodec Preferred flag does not affect the ordering of outgoing offer.
  • The flag Transcoder Free Transparency overrides this flag. If  Transcoder Free Transparency is enabled, this flag is ignored.
Reserve BW For Preferred Audio Common Codec

Reserves bandwidth on the basis of the preferred common codec, and police on the worst case codec. This applies to both known and unknown codecs. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Note: This flag is active for a call when both the PSPs have this flag enabled. If this flag is disabled in any of the PSPs, the flag is not applied.

Police On Heaviest Audio Codec

When enabled, SBC reserves the worst case common codec bandwidth on trunk groups and interfaces, but polices on maximum bandwidth for all codecs from Offer or Answer in a pass-through call. The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

Note: This configuration applies to all pass-through calls. It works independently from Audio Transparency feature and Reserve BW For Preferred Audio Common Codec flag.


Specifies whether text media calls, using T.140 codec, are allowed or not.

The options are:

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable

For more information on text codecs, refer to Text Codecs.


Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.

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