
Beginning with SBC Core release 7.0, the SBC is configured in legacy license mode by default. The “local” and “network” options for license mode that were supported for SBC SWe in prior releases are being phased out. Although some references to local license mode remain in documentation, the CLI, or the EMA UI, local license mode is not supported.

If your SBC SWe deployment was configured to use network license mode in a prior release, the tools to monitor and configure network-mode licensing remain available but will be phased out in the future. Contact your Ribbon Sales Representative for more information on licensing and assistance in updating your license.

The Live Monitor tracks and monitors the licenses that are used in the SBC. It is embedded in EMA to provide the usage/metrics, which improves the visibility.

  • Live Monitor does not display licensing metrics in legacy mode.
  • In network wide license mode, the available license limit changes dynamically as licenses are retrieved and returned to the site license server.

To access the Live Monitor option:

  1. Log on to EMA.
  2. Navigate to Monitoring > Dashboard > Live Monitor.


    If you are accessing Live Monitor option for the first time, you must click Enable.

    Enabling and Disabling Live Monitor Option

  3. Click Configure Live Monitor to customize and view the licensing metrics.

    Configure Live Monitor

    1. From the Available Metrics list, select the required items to be monitored. The selected items are added to the Selected Metrics.
    2. Select one of the Data Collection options:
      1. Collect data from all zones and trunk groups - Populates license usage from all zones and trunk groups.
      2. Collect data from selected zones and trunk groups below -  Populates license usage from selected zones and trunk groups.

    3.  Click OK. Selected metrics are displayed.

      Live Monitor

  4. Click Settings on the specific items for customization.

    If licenses are not installed, the License Usage/Licenses Installed list is empty.

    Display Graph Settings

    1. Select the required option from the Display graph for drop-down list. The value ranges from past 1 hour to past 1 week.
    2. In Licensed Usage/ Licenses Installed drop-down list, choose the appropriate license type.


      RTU Licenses Installed are selected by default. If you want to see the metrics for MRF, select the MRF Usage per Call / MRF-RTU Licenses Installed option.

    3. Click OK.

To see the License Information, navigate to  All > System > License Info

License Information


To see the License Server Status, navigate to All > System > License Server Status

License Server Status

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