Previous releases supported the use of a dedicated SBC Configurator cluster to configure other SBC SWe clusters. This approach has been replaced by using one of the SBC nodes within the cluster, referred to as the "Headend" SBC, to configure the other nodes. While the SBC Configurator currently remains available for backward compatibility, it is deprecated. Ribbon strongly recommends using the Headend SBC configuration model.



To manage configuration of SBC SWe Cloud deployments, you create signaling and media SBC clusters in the EMS GUI just prior to instantiating the SBC nodes. Then when you instantiate the cluster, its nodes register with the EMS so they can be managed and configured using the EMS.

During the cluster configuration process, the EMS selects a node within the cluster, referred to as the Headend SBC, on which to initially perform the configuration changes. The EMS launches the SBC Configuration Manager against the Headend SBC it chose which must be an active, online instance that is registered with the EMS. The actual configuration can be performed on the Headend SBC using SSH/CLI (a CLI script), by accessing the SBC Manager GUI, or using REST APIs. When you save the configuration in the SBC Configuration Manager, the EMS pushes the candidate configuration to other nodes in the cluster.  For more information on the configuration of new clusters, refer to Configuring M-SBC and Configuring S-SBC. For more information on updating the configuration of clusters, refer to Configuring an SBC SWe Cluster using the EMS.

Configurations created for SBC SWe Cloud cluster are similar to configurations created for an individual SBC SWe Cloud instance with few restrictions. As the configuration is shared with all instances in a cluster, it must not contain any instance-specific information.


While it is possible to create an IP interface with a specific IP address, or a SIP signaling port with an IP address, such a configuration is not used in a cluster. Instead, IP interfaces and SIP signaling ports are configured dynamically. In such cases, the SBC SWe Cloud instance learns the IP addressing from the environment during instantiation rather than from specific configuration, allowing the same configuration to be used across all instances. 

For more information on SBC SWe cluster management, refer to the EMS document Managing an SBC SWe Cluster.

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