DescriptionThis alarm indicates that a mandatory license is not available. The alarm is triggered for each of the unavailable licenses. When the alarm is raised, all call admissions are suspended.
RepetitionOnce per license, and every 1 hour if the required mandatory license not acquired.
Event Codes
  • sonusAlarmNodeID
  • sonusAlarmLevel
  • sonusAlarmSequenceId
  • sonusAlarmTime
  • sonusAlarmDescription
  • sonusAlarmName
Instance FieldssonusAlarmName
  • Check each of the the mandatory licenses required for configuring the SBC.
  • Check whether the mandatory licenses are applied and available at the license server.
ImpactThe specified mandatory license is unavailable at the license server, or, a mandatory license is required but not specified in the required license table. As a result, all call admissions are disabled.
ClearingAutomatic; sonusSbxMandatoryLicenseAvailable

  • No labels