In this section:


In the EMA, navigate to All > Address Context > Zone > Filter SIP Src > FQDN Entry.

The window FQDN Entry appears, with the table (frame) FQDN Entry List. The window FQDN Entry has two drop-down menus - Address Context and Zone.

FQDN Entry


The parameters in the table (frame) FQDN Entry List are:

Parameters: FQDN Entry List


Domain name; name for known FQDN element. Numeric and special characters are not allowed.


Type for known FQDN element.

  • A
  • aaaa

Select the appropriate values from the drop-down menus Address Context and Zone. After selection, the known FQDN elements corresponding to the selected values appears in the table FQDN Entry List. Note that the button New FQDN Entry is also active, which is not the default case.

New FQDN Entry button active



To create new FQDN entry

Click the button New FQDN Entry in the frame FQDN Entry List. The frame Create New FQDN Entry appears.

Create New FQDN Entry


Provide a suitable name and type for the new FQDN entry and click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to cancel all modifications made since the last saved configuration. On saving the changes successfully, the Success message appears. Click Ok and the newly created FQDN entry appears in the table (frame) FQDN Entry List.

Success message



To edit a FQDN Entry

Select the FQDN entry that needs to be edited, from the frame FQDN Entry List.

Select FQDN Entry


The frames Edit Selected FQDN Entry and FQDN Entry Commands appears.

Edit Selected FQDN Entry

FQDN Entry Commands


From the drop-down list Commands in the frame FQDN Entry Commands, click the desired command and then click Select.

Select FQDN Entry Command

If the selected command is Force Dns Query, a new browser window opens that contains the frame forceDnsQuery.

Please ensure that your browser settings allow pop-ups from the EMA.

Force Dns Query


Click the button forceDnsQuery, or click the symbol for closing the browser window containing the frame. If forceDnsQuery is clicked, a failure message may appear, depending on the situation.

Force Dns Query failure message


After making necessary modifications, click Save to save the changes made for parameters in the frame Edit Selected FQDN Entry. Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes made since the last saved configuration. On saving the changes successfully, the Success message appears. Click Ok on the message pop-up and the changes will be reflected in the row containing the edited entry in the frame FQDN Entry List

Success - edit entry



To copy a FQDN Entry

Select the FQDN entry that needs to be copied, from the frame FQDN Entry List. Click Copy FQDN Entry in the same frame.

Select FQDN Entry for copying


The frame Copy Selected FQDN Entry appears.

Copy Selected FQDN Entry


Make necessary modifications, then click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to cancel all modifications made since the last saved configuration. On saving the changes successfully, the Success message appears.




To delete a FQDN Entry

Select the FQDN entry that needs to be deleted, from the frame FQDN Entry List. Click the delete symbol corresponding to that entry, which is at the right end of the selected row.

Select to delete


A pop-up Delete fqdnEntry appears, asking for confirmation of deletion of the selected FQDN entry. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Confirm deletion


On successful deletion, the Success message appears. Click Ok and the deleted FQDN entry disappears from the frame FQDN Entry List.

Delete successful


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