In this section:

Modified: for 6.2.1



Use this object to configure the action that needs to be taken when a trigger is encountered. An action is specified by action index and action type.

To View Action

  1. On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Profiles > Services > Retry Profile > Trigger Action Rule > Action.
  2. The Action window is displayed.


To Edit Action

  1. Select the Action from the Action List window.

    Select - Action

  2. The Edit Selected Action window is displayed.

    Edit Selected Action

  3. Make changes and click Save. Click Clear to cancel the changes.

To Copy Action

  1. Select the Action from the Action List window.

    Select - Action

  2. Click Copy Action on the Action List window.
  3. The Copy Selected Action window is displayed.

    Copy Selected Action

  4. Make changes and click Save. Click Clear to cancel the changes.

To Create Action

  1. Click New Action on the Action List window.
  2. The Create New Action window is displayed.

    Copy Selected Action

  3. Make changes and click Save. Click Clear to cancel the changes.

The parameters displayed on the Create New Action window are:


Action - Parameter Description Table

Action Index1-16The action index for this Trigger Action Rule. Up to 16 actions can be assigned to a Trigger Action Rule. Each action contains an Action Type as specified in the next row.
Action TypeN/A

The action(s) to take against the specified trigger.

  • fallBackSrtpToRtp
  • fallBackToIPV4
  • fallBackToIPV6

Note: An Action can include more than one Action Type. However, it does not support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses at the same time.

To Delete Action

  1. Select the Action from the Action List window.

    Select - Action

  2. Click the delete icon corresponding to the selected Action.
  3. The Delete action dialog-box is displayed.   

    Delete Action

  4.  Click Yes to confirm deletion, or No to cancel it.
  5. On successful deletion, a success message is displayed.
  6. Click Ok on the success message to complete the deletion process.