In this section:

System Event Log screen allows you to view the system generated logs that are captured during the SBC application installation. Using this screen you can also clear the log entries.

The following events are captured in the system event logs:

  • Memory logs
  • Boot logs
  • CPU utilization logs and so on.

To View System Event Log

To view system event logs, perform the following:

From the EMA main screen, go to Monitoring > System > System Status and Statistics > System Event Log. The System Event Log screen is displayed.

System Event Log

The System Event Log screen consists of the following panes:

  • System Event Log Summary—Displays the summary of the system event logs.
  • System Event Log—Allows you to clear the system event logs.

The following information is displayed in the System Event Log Summary pane:

System Event Log Summary Information



Specifies the version of the SBC software.
EntriesSpecifies the number of entries available.
Free SpaceSpecifies the total free memory space available after installing the SBC application.
Percent UsedSpecifies the total percent memory space used by the SBC application.
Last Add TimeSpecifies the last added time of the SBC packages.
Last Del TimeSpecifies the last deleted time of the SBC packages.

Specifies if there is overflow of the data after installing the SBC application.

The following are the values:

  • True
  • False
Supported CmdsSpecifies the supported commands to execute the system event logs.
# of Alloc UnitsSpecifies the number of allocated units for the system event logs.
Alloc Unit SizeSpecifies the allocation unit size.
# Free UnitsSpecifies the number of free units.
Largest Free BlkSpecifies the largest free bulk space for system event logs.
Max Record SizeSpecifies the maximum record size of the system event logs.

The following information is displayed in the System Event Log pane:

System Event Log Information

EventSpecifies the event number of the log.
DateSpecifies the date in MM/DD/YYY format.
TimeSpecifies the time in HH:MM:SS format.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the respective event log.
StateSpecifies the state of the event.

To Filter System Event Logs

The System Event Log pane allows you to filter the logs based on event number, date/time range, event description or event state.

To filter system event logs, enter the filter criteria in the Filters text box and click .


The following are the filter criteria options:

  • Event Number: This filter criteria displays the event log that matches with the event number.
  • Time/Date Range: This filter criteria displays the logs created during the specified date/time. Click the Calendar icon to specify the from date/time and to date/time.


  • Log Description: This filter criteria displays the event logs that matches with the event description.
  • Log State: This filter criteria displays the logs that matches with the event state.

You can refresh the table entries using the Refresh button  or you can clear the table entries by using the Clear button  available next to the Filters text boxes.

To Clear System Event Logs

To clear the system event logs, click Clear System Event Log in the System Event Log pane. The Clear System Event Log confirmation window is displayed.

Clear System Event Log

Click Clear to clear the system event logs.