In this section:


The Revert Software Version window provides the option to revert from the current SBC software version to the previous version.

On the SBC main screen, go to  Administration > System Administration > Revert Software Version. The Revert Software Version window is displayed.

Initial Revert Software Version Screen

This window is divided into two panes :

Installed Software Versions

This pane lists the software versions installed on each partition of the SBC. This information displayed in this pane is based on whether the SBC is standalone or part of an HA pair.

The following parameters are displayed:

Installed Software Versions Parameters

Parameter NameDescription

Each server name is listed twice in this column accompanied by a version label, Version 1 and Version 2.

  • Version 1 - This signifies the previous software version to revert to.
  • Version 2 - This signifies the latest software version.
Installed Software VersionThe SBC installed software version of each system/partiion displays in this field. 
Current Boot VersionA check mark ((tick) ) in this field indicates the partition is the current SBC boot version.

In the following example, the SBC is standalone and Version 2 is the current boot version.

Installed Software Versions Screen

Revert Software

This pane provides the details on reverting the SBC software. If the software version for the SBC is supported for reverting, then a list of the specific server name(s) is displayed in the Revert Software pane.

Initial Revert Software Screen

The following parameters are displayed :

Revert Software Parameter Information

Parameter NameDescription
Revert the software boot versionThis specifies the name of the servers used for reverting.
VersionThis specifies the revert version of the SBC application.
Last usedThis specifies when the SBC software was last used.

To Revert Software

  1. Click  to start the revert process.

    Revert Software


    The Change Boot Version confirmation dialog displays.

    Restore Configuration from Backup window

  2. Click Ok to continue. The revert operation takes around 15 to 20 minutes to complete.


    At this point the SBC reboots and the EMA Platform Mode login screen displays.

  3. Re-login to the SBC in the Platform mode.

  4. Navigate to Administration > System Administration > Revert Software Version. The Revert Software Version window appears.

    Only the reverted software version is displayed. This concludes the Revert Software functionality. For more information on reverting the SBC application, refer to Reverting SBC Application.


    In the following example, the SBC is part of an HA pair. Perform the Revert Software functionality on the Standby (now Active) SBC too.

    Successful Revert Software Screen