Modified: for 6.2.1




This object is accessible only in SBC SWe and Cloud environments.

This section contains the name of active profile and time-stamp of activation.

To View Swe Active Profile

On the SBC main screen, go to System > Security >Swe Active Profile. The Swe Active Profile window is displayed.

SWe Active Profile


To Set Swe Active Profile

Standard profiles make some assumptions regarding the traffic model and hence may not be the optimal profile for the deployment of the I-SBC. Please create a custom traffic profile that matches the actual traffic offered to the I-SBC to get the maximum capacity.


Select the profile to activate from the Name drop-down list.   

SWe Active Profile List

The parameters displayed are:

Swe Active Profile Parameters


The SWe Active Profile Name.

  • default - By default, non-cloud instances comes up with default profile. This profile retains the SBC SWe behavior of earlier releases (5.0.x and 5.1.x), where signaling and media vCPUs  overlapped.
  • standard_signaling_profile - This profile utilizes the vCPUs for signaling (direct media) calls and it is auto-configured on the Cloud based S-SBC instance.
  • standard_passthrough_profile - This profile utilizes the vCPUs for passthrough calls.
  • standard_transcoding_profile - This profile utilizes the vCPUs for transcoding calls.
  • standard_callmix_profile - This profile supports call mix which contain a combination of 90% pass-through and 10% transcoding.
  • standard_msbc_profile - The purpose of this profile is to utilize the vCPUs primarily for passthrough calls. This profile gets auto-configured on Cloud based M-SBC instance.
  • standard_highcps_callmix_profile - This profile is similar to standard passthrough profile with higher CPS.
State Change ValueThe time-stamp of profile activation

  1. Click Save to activate the profile. 
  2. The dialog box pops-up for confirmation. Click Yes to activate the selected profile.

    SWe Active Profile Activation Dialog



To activate the profile, the system is rebooted. All active calls are lost during this process.