In this Section:

This object displays the per-server license configuration.

The Site License Server (SLS) is co-located with the EMS. Sonus currently only supports a pair of license servers deployed in an EMS GR configuration. The license servers run in a leader/standby redundancy model sharing a common pool of licenses.

Refer to Licensing for additional details.


This object only applies if the current License Mode is Network. For more information on License Mode, refer to System - License Mode.


On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > System > License Server. The License Server window is displayed.

License Server window

To Edit a License Server

To edit a License Server, select the server from the License Server List window by clicking the radio button next to it.

License Server List - License Selected


The Edit Selected License Server window is displayed.

Edit Selected License Server window


Make necessary changes and click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes.

To Create a New License Server

To create a new license server, click  on the License Server List window. The Create New License Server window is displayed.

Create New License Server window


The parameters and their descriptions are given in the table below:

Create New License Server - Parameter Description table

Server NameThe name of the Site License Server (SLS).
PriorityThe SLS server selection priority (1-4), where "1" denotes the highest priority and "4" the lowest..
Server AddressThe SLS hostname/FQDN or IP address(IPv4/IPv6).


A maximum of four SLSs are configurable, but the Sonus currently only supports up to two license servers that are deployed as part of an EMS GR deployment.

Make necessary changes and click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes.

To Copy a Selected License Server

To copy a License Server, select the server from the License Server List window by clicking the radio button next to it.

License Server List - License Selected


Click  on the License Server List window. The Copy Selected License Server window is displayed.

Copy Selected License Server window


Make necessary changes and click Save to save the changes. Click Undo Edits to cancel all changes.

To Delete a License Server

To delete a License Server, click the  symbol at the right of the row containing the server name that you want to delete. A dialog box pops up, asking for confirmation of deletion.

Delete licenseServer


Click Yes to confirm deletion. A success message is displayed.

Success message


Click Ok to complete the deletion process.