This object displays the information about all the local licenses stored on the SBC system.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > System > License Local Bundle Info. The window License Local Bundle Info is displayed.

License Local Bundle Info


The information in License Local Bundle Info List window records the installed local licenses regardless of the active license mode selected at the SBC. 


The statistics displayed on the License Local Bundle Info List window and their descriptions are given in the table below.

License Local Bundle Info List

Bundle NameThe unique license bundle identifier assigned by this SBC for this license.
Feature NameThe feature name of the registered license.
License IDThe license ID present in the bundle.
Purchase Order IDThe bundle purchase order ID.
Line IDThe purchase order line ID for the bundle.
Generation DateThe date the license was generated.
Install DateThe license install date.
Expiration DateLicense expiration date.
Usage LimitUsage limit for the license.
Finger Print1The license fingerprint from the standalone node, or one of the HA nodes.
Finger Print2The license fingerprint from the second node in an HA configuration.
Active License ModeThe licensing mode currently in use by the SBC.