In this section:


Use this object to specify parameters associated with various enhanced services and features for this SIP trunk group.


CLI commands are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown in this guide. Objects and profiles with names that differ only in case are considered distinct objects.

For example, the following trunk groups are three distinct trunk group entities: trunkgroup1, TRUNKGROUP1, TrunkGroup1. It is strongly recommended to avoid such naming conventions, and to also adopt a standard naming convention when initially defining your configuration.



The Transparency Profile is the recommended method of configuring transparency on the SBC Core for new deployments as well as when applying additional transparency configurations to existing deployments. Do not use IP Signaling Profile flags in these scenarios because the flags will be retired in upcoming releases.

Refer to the SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for additional information.


As a best practice, always use UPPERCASE for trunk group names.

SIP Trunk Group Services

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> services
	colocatedPandEcscf <disabled | enabled>
	dialogEventNotificationSupported <disabled | enabled>
	disconnectTreatmentProfile <h323Default | sipDefault>
    dnsSupportType <a-only | a-srv-naptr>
    dynamicBlacklistProfile <profile name>
    emergencyCallHandlingMode <emergencyRegRequired | emergencyRegSupported | none | rejectWith380>
    emergencyCallProfile <profile name>
    honorSdpClockRate <disabled | enabled> 
    jsrcBandwidthReservation <disabled | enabled>
        action <noAction | release | trap | trapAndRelease> 
        emergencyCalls <exclude | include> 
        relCause <#> 
        timeoutValue <0-44640 minutes>
        minDigitsForQuery <#> 
        overlapState <disabled | enabled> 
        receive <InfoMethod | MultiInvite | disabled> 
        send <InfoMethod | MultiInvite | disabled> 
        timer1 <integer> 
        timer2 <integer> 
        timer3 <integer>
    preconditionIntwkUsing183 <disabled | enabled>
    preconditions <none | required | supported | transparent>
    remoteEPreservation <disabled | enabled>
	sipArsProfile <profile name>
    sipJipProfile defaultJipProfile
    sipJurisdictionSupport <disabled | enabled>
    sipParamFilterProfile <profile name>
    sipSecurityProfile <profile name>
    transmitPreconditions <none | required | supported>
    transparencyProfile <Transparency Profile name>
	usePreviousLearnedIpAddress <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

SIP Trunk Group Services Parameters


Use this flag to support notification for a SUBSCRIBE with dialog event in this Trunk Group.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

This configuration is not supported on ERE and is intended for use only with an external PSX.


Use this flag to support co-locating P-CSCF and E-CSCF on the ingress Trunk Group.

  • disabled (default)

  • enabled


This configuration is not supported on ERE and is intended for use only with an external PSX.

disconnectTreatmentProfileDisconnect Treatment Profile name.

Indicates whether to use the DNS server for just A-record lookups, or for full NAPTR/SRV/A lookup as specified in RFC3263.

  • a-only
  • a-srv-naptr
dynamicBlacklistProfileDynamic Blacklist Profile name.

Use this parameter to specify how to handle emergency calls.

  • emergencyRegRequired – Use this option to reject the emergency session establishment without an emergency registration.

    usePsxRouteForEmergencyCall” must also be enabled to use this option.

  • emergencyRegSupported – Use this option when emergency registrations are supported, but emergency session establishment is possible without an emergency registration.

    usePsxRouteForEmergencyCall” must also be enabled to use this option.

  • none (default) – Use this option when not using emergency registrations to perform PSX dip for registered user for emergency calls.

    usePsxRouteForEmergencyCall” must also be enabled to use this option.

  • rejectWith380 – Use this option to reject an INVITE request with ‘380 Alternate Service’ response code from Ingress leg when the request is identified as emergency request and redirection flag is set to redirection mode.

See Emergency Registration for emergency registration functionality.

emergencyCallProfileEmergency Call Profile name.

Enable this flag to allow the mapping of up to five DTMF Payload Types (PT), each with a different clock rate of a preferred or selected payload type for audio.

If the flag is disabled, all DTMF PTs except 8 kHz (both send and receive) are dropped.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Enable flag to require bandwidth reservation with Juniper Session Resource Controller.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

The parameters associated with long duration call supervision.

  • action – This is the action to take if the long duration call timer expires. 
    • noAction (default) 
    • release 
    • trap 
    • trapAndRelease
  • emergencyCalls – Specifies whether Emergency Calls should be excluded from or included in Long Duration Call Disconnect procedures. 
    • exclude (default) 
    • include
  • relCause – The Q.850 release value to use should the call be released due to long duration call timer expiry. (default = 41).
  • timeoutValue – Timeout value (in minutes) of the long duration call timer. 
    • 0 (default) – Disable the timeout.
    • 1-44640 – Set the timeout to the specified value.
natTraversalSpecifies the various parameters associated with network-hosted NAT/NAPT traversal for SIP endpoints. Specify the following NAT Traversal parameters. See NAT Traversal Parameters table below for parameter details.

Parameters associated with overlap addressing support.

  • minDigitsForQuery – Minimum number of digits that need to be received before attempting to route the call. (range: 0-30 / default = 0).
  • overlapState – Specifies the whether to support or not support overlap addressing. 
    • disabled (default) 
    • enabled
  • receive  – Use this parameter to specify the Incoming overlap type.
    • InfoMethod – Select to support Info-based overlap dialing where initial INVITE with incomplete called party digits is answered locally by the SBC to establish early dialog, and subsequent digits are received through INFO message to complete dial sequence.
    • MultiInvite – Select to process multiple INVITEs for the same call with additional digits to complete the dial sequence.
    • disabled (default) – Select to disable this feature.
  • send – Use this parameter to specify the Outgoing overlap type.
    • InfoMethod – Select to support Info-based overlap dialing where initial INVITE with incomplete called party digits is answered locally by the SBC to establish early dialog, and subsequent digits are received through INFO message to complete dial sequence.
    • MultiInvite – Select to process multiple INVITEs for the same call with additional digits to complete the dial sequence.
    • disabled (default) – Select to disable this feature.
  • timer1 – Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) between collection of digits. (range: 5-15 / default = 10)
  • timer2 – Maximum time (in seconds) between sending an INVITE and receiving a backward message. (range: 0-14 / default = 0).
  • timer3 – Maximum time (in seconds) between receiving a 484 Address Incomplete message (if there are no outstanding INVITE transactions) and the receipt of fresh address information. (range: 4-64 / default = 4).

(This flag is for specific call flows and is not intended for generic use)

Enable this flag to locally generate first 183 responses for preconditions interworking before egressing INVITE. If disabled, these responses are dropped.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Do not enable preConditionIntwkUsing183 when End-to-End Prack is configured.

preconditionsUse this parameter to level of preconditions support for incoming (only) requests.
  • none – (default)
  • required
  • supported
  • transparent – Select this option to allow the SBC to pass the received precondition option tag (either in require or supported) and precondition attributes present in SDP transparently.

The transparent option must be configured on both Egress and Ingress legs.

For precondition support of outgoing requests, see transmitPreconditions flag below.

remoteEPreservationEnable flag to require bandwidth reservation with the Juniper Session Resource Controller for the remote endpoint.
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


The name of the SIP ARS (Address Reachability Service) profile.


defaultJipProfile – The default name of the SIP JIP profile to associate in egress and ingress SIP Trunk Groups.

This parameter is only supported when the SBC is configured to use an external PSX.


Enable this flag to allow insertion of JIP parameter in SIP trunk group ingress and egress headers.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

This flag is only supported when the SBC is configured to use an external PSX.

sipParamFilterProfileThe name of the SIP Parameter Filter Profile.
sipSecurityProfileThe name of the SIP Security Profile.
transmitPreconditions Indicates level of preconditions support for outgoing request/response.
  • none – When set to "none", the SBC does not add SIP precondition attributes in SDP of outgoing request even if attributes are present in the SDP of incoming requests.
  • required – Use this option to add SIP precondition attributes in SDP of outgoing request even if attributes are NOT present in the SDP of incoming requests. If precondition attributes are added by the SBC, the local preconditions are set to ‘met’ and remote preconditions are set to ‘not-met’.
  • supported (default) Use this option to ensure backward compatibility behavior. Use this option to add SIP precondition attributes in SDP of outgoing request only if attributes are present in the incoming request.
transparencyProfileThe name of the Transparency Profile to associate with this SIP Trunk Group.

Enable the flag to send new SIP requests mid-dialog to the previously-learned IP address before performing any SRV DNS query.

The previously-learned IP address is updated in the following cases:

  1. SBC receives an INVITE from the peer.
  2. SBC receives re-INVITE from the peer.
  3. SBC receives 200 OK response to INVITE sent.
  4. SBC receives 200 OK response to re-INVITE sent.

If a time-out occurs on requests sent to previously-learned Active IP address mid-dialog, a SRV DNS look up is performed.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

NAT Traversal

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> services natTraversal 
		maxTcpPinholeTimer <60-65535>
		maxUdpPinholeTimer <60-65535>
		reLearningInterval <1-240>
		state <disabled | enabled> 
		serverReflexivePrefixLength <unsignedInt | 0..32>
        state <disabled | enabled>
			iceKeepaliveTimer <0-60 seconds>
			iceKeepaliveTimer <0-60 seconds>
	iceTcpRole <active | passive>
	learnNatForRtpOnly <disabled | enabled>
	mediaNat <disabled | enabled> 
	outboundTcpKeepaliveTimer <0-32767> 
	outboundUdpKeepaliveTimer <0-32767>
	qualifiedPrefix <IPv4 address> 
	secureMediaNatPrefix <0-32>
	signalingNat <disabled | enabled>
	tcpKeepaliveTimer <15-65535> 
	udpKeepaliveTimer <15-65535>

Command Parameters

NAT Traversal Parameters

Parameters Description

Adaptive NAT pinhole learning parameters.

  • maxTcpPinholeTimer – Defines upper limit of the pinhole timeout for TCP in seconds. (range: 60-65535 / default = 600).
  • maxUdpPinholeTimer – Defines the upper limit of the pinhole timeout for UDP in seconds.  (range: 60-65535 / default = 180). 
  • reLearningInterval – Interval in hours at which the pinhole timeout is relearned. (range: 1-240 / default = 24). 
  • state– Enables/disables the adaptive nat pinhole timeout learning process for devices behind NAT. 
    • disabled (default) 
    • enabled
iceSourceAddressFilterPriorityN/AEnable this parameter for the SBC to prioritize the processing of STUN packets matching the source addresses received in the candidate lines of the ICE SDP received from the peer during the STUN connectivity check phase.
  • serverReflexivePrefixLength – The length (in bits) of the prefix for server reflexive IP address (range: 0-32 / default = 16).

  • state – Administrative state of iceSourceAddressFilterPriority.

    • disabled
    • enabled (default)


The filtering mechanism is applicable to the following RTP address types:

    • IPV4 Server Reflexive Address (for this address type, filtering is based on the provisioned Server Reflexive Prefix Length)
    • IPV4 Relay Address
    • IPV6 Relay Address
    • IPv6 Host Address


When ICE Source Address Filtering is enabled, STUN packets received during the connectivity check phase that do not match the addresses sent by the peer are still processed, but at a reduced rate. This allows the SBC to learn of the presence of Peer Reflexive Candidates through STUN. This has no impact during a stable call when only packets received from the learned source address are processed and the remaining are dropped by default.


iceSupport N/A

This parameter indicates the type of ICE method used for STUN packet check.

  • none (default)

  • iceWebrtc – Select this attribute for WebRTC Gateway interworking. For example, using the Sonus WRTC Gateway, or in situations when the SBC is presented with an ICE SDP from a WebRTC-enabled Endpoint. When configured for this mode, the SBC acts as a generic ICE-Lite agent.

  • iceLync – Select this attribute when interworking with a Microsoft Lync 2010 or 2013 client.

    • iceKeepaliveTimer – Set Keep-Alive timer value, in seconds, for MS-Lync ICE to prevent network loss of STUN message exchanges. (range: 1-60 / default = 15)
  • iceFull – Select this attribute when interworking with a full ICE client requiring the generation of a STUN connectivity check by the SBC in response to its own STUN connectivity check. 

    • iceKeepaliveTimer – Set Keep-Alive timer value, in seconds, for full-ICE to prevent network loss of STUN message exchanges. (range: 1-60 / default = 15)

NOTE: For MS Lync ICE (iceLync setting), keep-alive messages are sent only to RTP port.

NOTESonus recommends to avoid configuring both Media Nat and ICE Support on the same Trunk Group because these configurations are independent mechanisms for solving NAT traversal issues. Because of of this, these configurations should not coexist on the same Trunk Group.


Refer to Configuring SBC for WRTC for ICE-Lite configuration best practices.


Use this flag to specify if SBC initiates the TCP connection for ICE Lync.

  • active – Use this option for the SBC to initiate the TCP connection when connected to internal-facing trunk groups where the peer is not behind the NAT. Also, use this option when working with certain Unified Communication (UC) servers such as Acano which expect the peer to initiate the TCP connection. This is only supported when there are no NATs between the SBC and the UC server.
  • passive (default) – The SBC waits for the peer to initiate the TCP connection. Use this option when working directly with Lync endpoints.

NOTE: The iceSupport parameter must be set to IceLync to configure this flag.

Refer to Configuring SBC and LYNC in Media Environment for configuration details.

 learnNatForRtpOnlyN/AEnable flag to learn media NAT from the first RTP packet only. If disabled, media NAT is learned from any first packet received. For egress trunk groups, this flag is applicable only if dynamicLRBT flag is disabled. If dynamicLRBT is enabled, NAPT learning occurs on arrival of RTP packet until the call is connected, at which point learnNatForRtpOnly applies even for egress Trunk Groups.
  • disabled (default) 

  • enabled


NOTE: The flag mediaNat must be enabled to use this flag.

NOTE: Do not enable learnNatForRtpOnly for SIP trunk groups with iceSupport enabled because it does not apply to ICE NAT traversal.


Specifies the whether or not NAT/NAPT support is required for media. 

  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled

NOTESonus recommends to avoid configuring both Media Nat and ICE Support on the same Trunk Group because these configurations are independent mechanisms for solving NAT traversal issues. Because of of this, these configurations should not coexist on the same Trunk Group.


NOTEThe SBC Core does not support NAT traversal for IPv6 calls. Ensure NAT is disabled in pure IPv6 call scenarios.

outboundTcpKeepaliveTimer0-32767The NAT outbound keep-alive timer (in seconds) for SIP over TCP (default = 240)
outboundUdpKeepaliveTimer0-32767The NAT outbound keepalive timer (in seconds) for SIP over UDP (default = 60)
qualdifiedPrefix N/ASet of IP network media and signaling prefixes that an address must match to be considered for NAT handling. If there are no entries in qualifiedPrefixtable, the endpoint is treated as existing behind a NAT device. As a result, the SBC considers requests from all IP addresses to be behind a NAT device.
  • ipAddress – IPv4 address. 
  • prefixLength – Value from 0-128 specifying the number of bits representing the network part of ipAddress.
secureMediaNatPrefix 0-32Use this parameter to match up to 'N' bits of the network IPv4 address obtained from signaling. If set to "0", feature is disabled, and no match of network IP address will occur. (default = 0)
signalingNat N/AThis indicates whether or not NAT/NAPT support is required for signaling. 
  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

NOTEThe SBC Core does not support NAT traversal for IPv6 calls. Ensure NAT is disabled in pure IPv6 call scenarios.

tcpKeepaliveTimer15-65535This NAT TCP keep-alive timer sets the registration refresh rate (in seconds) for SIP over TCP. (default = 240).
 udpKeepaliveTimer 15-65535

This NAT UDP keep-alive timer sets the registration refresh rate (in seconds) for SIP over UDP. (default = 60).