Use this Trunk Group object to associate a sipAdaptorProfile configured for Flexible Policy behavior (profileType is set to "flexiblePolicy") with a particular trunk group.

If the Flexible Policy Adapter Profile is provisioned at both the trunk group and zone levels, the trunk group’s profile takes precedence. If inputAdapterProfile is configured, it is applied first to manipulate the PDU and then flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile rules are applied on the manipulated PDU.


Refer to SIP Adaptor Profile - CLI for details of creating a Flexible Policy Adapter Profile using the SIP Adapter Profile configuration.



 Flexible Policy is not supported on ERE and is intended for use with an external PSX only.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> signaling flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile <profile name>

Command Parameters

Flexible Policy Adapter Profile Parameters



<profile name> – The name of the Flexible Policy Adaptor Profile to associate with this trunk group.


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