A profile allows you to create a specific set of characteristics different from the standard SBC defaults. When defining a new instance of one of these objects, simply use the profile to quickly customize the values. A brief summary of SIP profiles is provided below.

SIP ARS Profile

To achieve efficient device failover to the backup/secondary Application Server, the SBC uses the Address Reachability Service (ARS) to determine if a server is reachable, providing the ability to "blacklist" a server IP address if it is found to be unreachable, as well as the ability to remove the server from the blacklisted state. ARS profiles can be created to configure blacklisting and recovery algorithm variants.

These ARS profiles can be assigned to the services section of a SIP trunk group to enforce the blacklisting and recovery of any SIP peer(s) associated with the trunk group. If no recovery algorithm is specified when configuring a SIP ARS profile, the recovery algorithm default values are used as indicated below:

  • recoveryAlgProbeDuration: 1 second
  • recoveryAlgProbeInterval: 1 second
  • recoveryAlgProbeMethod: sip-options
  • recoveryAlgProbeNumResponses: 1
  • recoveryAlgTimerDuration: 1 second
  • recoveryAlgorithm: probe

See the following pages for configuration details:

SIP Call Admission Control Profile

The SBC provides call and registration admission control for SIP calls and SIP registrations at the zone level, SIP trunk group level, and SIP endpoint level. For more information see Call Admission Controls topic.

See the following pages for configuration details:

SIP/CPC Cause Code Mapping Profiles

The Cause Map Profile, SIP-to-CPC and CPC-to-SIP mappings provide customized tables on the SBC to map cause codes between SIP and Q.850 cause codes. Previously, these mappings were hard coded in the SBC. The custom mappings can be selected on a per route basis on egress trunks and ingress trunks on the SBC.


The SBC Core supports up to 64 SIP-to-CPC and 64 CPC-to-SIP cause code mapping profiles.

The following IPSP configurations are added to PSX under SIP Cause Mapping section to specify the Cause Code Mapping profile name.

  • Internal to SIP Cause Mapping Profile Name
  • SIP to Internal Cause Mapping Profile Name

The PSX returns the Cause Code profile name in the POL responses. The SBC uses the Cause Code profile specified by PSX. If PSX fails to provide the Cause Code profile, the SBC uses the local Cause Code Mapping profile configured on the SIP Trunk Group.

The SBC applies the Cause Code Mapping profile in the following order:

  1. If a policy response contains a profile name and a locally configured profile uses the same name, the SBC applies the same name.

  2. If a policy response does not contain a profile name or if the profile name does not match with any local profile, the SBC applies the SIP Trunk Group created local profile name (if created).

  3. The SBC applies a default profile name if none of the above two cases match.

See the following pages for configuration details:

SIP Emergency Call Profile

This object creates and configures an Emergency Call Profile for SIP calls used to host emergency call criteria. The emergency call classification methods are:

  • Emergency Call Marking: The cpc-priority in P-Asserted Identities is present in the INVITE message, and the CPC parameter of the SIP EMERGENCY PROFILE is set to “priority”.
  • Prefix Matching (up to three prefixes): At least one of the three emergency prefixes is configured in SIP EMERGENCY PROFILE and the R-URI header in the INVITE message matches one of the three emergency prefixes. The emergency prefix is an alphanumeric string that consists of numeric digits (phone number). For more information see Call Admission Controls topic.
  • URN Prefix: Emergency prefix URN, for example “services:sos”.
  • X-EMG Header: Use this flag to determine whether SIP X-EMG header should be accepted as an emergency call indicator.

See the following pages for configuration details:

SIP JIP Profile


JIP is only supported when using an external PSX in the network.

The Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP) is a 6-digit field (NPA-NXX format) in an IAM message to indicate the geographic location of the originating caller or switch.

The inclusion of the JIP parameter in SIP INVITE message allows the SBC to support interworking of Jurisdiction information (JIP) for SIP-SIP and SIP-SIP-I, and vice versa, including GW-GW by sending and receiving JIP in the PAI/FROM/PDCS header. The SBC can interwork JIP across gateway to GSX as well.

JIP information can be carried in the P-Asserted-ID/FROM and P-DCS-Billing-Info headers of SIP INVITE message and in the PDCS header in a 3xx response. The SBC records JIP-related details in the Call Detail Record.

Multiple controls can be enabled at a time to select the header or parameter from which JIP value will be extracted. When multiple controls are configured, JIP information is extracted in the following order:


See the following pages for configuration details:

SIP OCSP Profile

The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) enables SBC applications to determine the revocation status of a given certificate. OCSP is used to satisfy some of the operational requirements of providing timely revocation information.

When a peer sends certificates, an OCSP client (e.g. SIPFE) issues a status request to an OCSP responder and suspends acceptance of the certificates in question until the responder provides a response. The OCSP client needs the address/URL of the OCSP responder, the certificate to be checked, and the certificate issuer’s certificate. The OCSP URL can be FQDN or IPv4 address plus port number.

The SBC supports adding OCSP configuration to an existing/new TLS profile, and performing automatic OCSP checking in OpenSSL library without making substantial changes to OCSP clients (SIPFE, etc.). The OCSP clients may be involved when OCSP checking returns errors. The user may create up to four OCSP profiles per system as described in "Key Concepts" section below.

The SBC can act in TLS server role as well as TLS client role.

  • As a TLS server with Client Authentication enabled, the SBC checks OCSP status when the TLS client sends its certificate chain to the SBC. Upon receiving Certificate Verify from client, theSBC performs OCSP status checking for each certificate in the chain after validating signature, expiration time, etc. for each certificate in the chain.
  • When acting as a TLS client, SBC checks OCSP status when the peer TLS server sends its certificate chain to the SBC. The SBC then performs OCSP status checking for each certificate in the chain.

The SBC integrates OCSP status-checking as a part of certificate validation in OpenSSL library.

Key Concepts

The user may create up to four OCSP profiles per system, each specifying the OCSP capabilities and protocol parameters applying to one or more TLS connections that use the profile (a SIP/TLS connection may reference an OCSP profile in its assigned TLS profile). The OCSP profile is referenced by the existing TLS profile.

  • OCSP capability
    • enabled
    • disabled (default)
  • Default responder URI (default: blank):
    • IPv4 address and port number, or
    • FQDN
  • AIA override:
    • enabled - Forces the use of configured Default responder for OCSP validation regardless of whether or not the certificate being validated references a responder by AIA.
    • disabled (default) - The responder referenced via AIA by the certificate being validated is used, or the Default responder as configured is used only if the AIA is not available.
  • OCSP response waiting time - If the corresponding OCSP response does not return before the time expires after sending an OCSP request, the response is considered unavailable.
    • Range: 1-16 seconds, default = 2.
The configured default responder may point to the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate in question, a Trusted Responder whose public key is trusted by the SBC, or a CA Authorized Responder (or Delegated Trust Responder in UCR term) that is designated by one or more CAs.

When configuring an OCSP profile, be aware that you may delete a given OCSP profile when it is not referenced by any TLS connections.

When OCSP is enabled for a TLS connection, every individual certificate in the chain presented by the peer device during the establishment of the connection is validated against an OCSP responder for its revocation status.

When the SBC is upgraded from a release which already supports OCSP, all the parameter values of existing OCSP profiles are retained after the upgrade completes.

Linux DNS Client Support

Linux DNS client functionality is required for OpenSSL OCSP API to translate a FQDN to an IPv4 address. To populate the file with DNS server addresses, use following CLI commands.

% set addressContext default dnsGroup d1 type mgmt server dns1 ipAddress state enabled
% set addressContext default dnsGroup d1 type mgmt server dns2 ipAddress state enabled

Existing DNS CLIs add dynamic ACLs for the configured DNS servers.

See the following pages for command details:

SIP Security Profile

The SIP Security Profile feature defines the type and behavior of security mechanism to apply to the SBC acting as P-CSCF.

See the following pages for command details:

Transparency Profile


The Transparency Profile is the recommended method of configuring transparency on the SBC Core for new deployments as well as when applying additional transparency configurations to existing deployments. Do not use IP Signaling Profile flags in these scenarios because the flags will be retired in upcoming releases.

Refer to the SBC SIP Transparency Implementation Guide for additional information.

The SBC supports flexible header transparency feature which allows a user to define a set of SIP header names using a configuration interface to the Transparency Profile (TP), and then assign that profile to a Trunk Group (TG). For example, if a header name is in the TP corresponding to the egress leg (respective to the message), it is passed through unmodified with its full content, including all parameters. This applies to all initial INVITE, REGISTER and mid-INVITE initiated dialog requests and responses (excluding mid-dialog SUBSCRIBE requests and responses sent in the context of an existing dialog). Corresponding relay flags for other mid-dialog requests (e.g. INFO, MESSAGE, NOTIFY) must be enabled for this functionality to work.

Headers are also configurable in compact form, and may be transparently passed by configuring a Transparency Profile. It is advisable to configure both compact and long formats to ensure both types of received headers in the PDU are transparently passed.

If a header is not in the transparency configurable, existing “Unknown Header Transparency” and explicit header transparency flag semantics shall apply.

This feature allows you to add previously “unknown” headers to the TP making them “semi-known” to the system, as well as add “known” headers thus eliminating the need for IP Signaling Profile (IPSP) transparency control flags for those headers. An "unknown" header is defined as a header that, if present in an incoming SIP message, is parsed as a generic “unknown” header, but is treated as a “known” header with respect to transparency by allowing individual transparency control towards it.

This dynamic transparency capability applies to SIP-SIP, SIP-GW and GW-SIP scenarios. GW-GW is supported only between the same GW versions.

If you configure a Contact header in the Transparency Profile, it is treated as full contact header transparency.

Support for known headers (with or without IPSP transparency flags) is available for INVITE, REGISTER and OOD messages. Support for selective unknown header transparency is available for INVITE, REGISTER messages.

The following message body headers cannot be used when configuring a Transparency Profile:

  • Content-Encoding
  • Mime-Version
  • Content-Disposition

The SBC supports configuring up to 256 Transparency Profiles. By default, no headers are present in the Transparency Profile.

Do not enable "unknownHeader" flag if using this feature.

See the following pages for command details: