In this section:


This page describes the UI/UX enhancements made in the top bar and left navigation panel of the EMA.

Top Bar

The top bar of the EMA is enhanced for better user interface, as described in the Description section. As an overview, the EMA top bar and the menu navigation bar is enhanced to be displayed like the following:

EMA Top Bar

The user interface of the top bar and menu bar of the EMA is enhanced as described below:

Application Name and Workspace

Logo and Application Name - The left-top corner of the EMA displays the company's logo and the application name. The header displayed at the browser's tab is also changed to reflect the application name.

Logo and Application



Workspace - The user interface of the EMA changes based on the option selected from the Workspace drop-down list.

Workspace - Classic (default)


An administrator can customize the workspaces available to other users using the Workspace Settings, which is visible only to users with administrative privileges. For other types of users, the menu and objects provisioned by the administrator are displayed.

For more information on Workspace Settings, refer to Users and Application Management - Workspace Settings..

Workspace - Drop-down List


The options in the drop-down list represents the scope and intent of the EMA user for the ongoing session. For example, the Classic workspace allows the user to use all the functionalities of the EMA. Compared to Classic, other options offer limited scope. The differences in scopes of the selected workspace for a user with administrative privileges are:


Administration - The menu and objects related to administration of the system are displayed. The menu displayed on the top bar are:

  • Users and Application Management
  •  System Administration
  • Accounting and Logs
  • Traps and SNMP

Workspace - Administration


Basic Configuration - The menu and objects that are most frequently used pertaining to the basic configuration of the SBC are displayed. The menu displayed on the top bar are:

  • System Setup
  • System Provisioning
  • Security Configuration
  • Profile Management
  • Configuration Wizards

Workspace - Basic Configuration


Classic (default) - All EMA menus and objects are displayed.

Workspace - Classic


Monitoring - The menu and objects necessary for monitoring the system are displayed. The menu displayed on the top bar are:

  • Dashboard
  • Policers
  • Trunks and Subscribers
  • Zone
  • CAC
  • System
  • Security

Workspace - Monitoring


Troubleshooting - The menu and objects necessary for troubleshooting the system are displayed. The menu displayed on the top bar are:

  • Troubleshooting Tools
  • Call Trace/Logs/Monitors

Workspace - Troubleshooting


Data Widgets

The data widgets display various important information to an EMA user. The changes for different data widgets are described separately in this section. However, the following three changes are applicable to all the data widgets:

  • You can view the tooltip for data widgets by hovering the mouse pointer over them.
  • Depending on the width of the browser window, some of the widgets may not be displayed.
  • You cannot collapse the data widgets manually.


Data Widgets offer quick navigation to the respective EMA object/window.


Active Calls and Licensed Sessions Widget - The user interface of the widget is enhanced.

Active Calls - Licensed Sessions


This widget displays two metrics:

  • Active Call - The number of active calls on the SBC
  • Licensed Sessions - The number of SBC-RTU sessions for which the SBC has the required licenses.

Both the metrics are dynamic and are updated every 15 seconds.


Alarms Widget - The user interface of the widget is enhanced.



The number of alarms of each type is dynamically updated after every 15 seconds. Clicking on the Alarms widget leads you to the Monitoring > Dashboard > Alarms > Current Alarms window of the EMA.

The types of alarms displayed on the widget are:

Alarm Icons and Types

IconAlarm Type

Hovering over each icon or it's corresponding alarm count displays a tooltip showing the alarm type.


The digit displayed beside the icon of an alarm type represents the number of such alarms currently active on the SBC. Sonus recommends attending the Critical and Major alarms with high priority. For more information on alarms, refer to Alarms Guide.


System and Software Information Widget - The user interface of the widget is enhanced.

System and Software Information


This widget displays the following data in the left-to-right order:

  • CE Name - The CE name of the SBC; for example: WFDSBC01b
  • Software Version - The installed application software version; for example: V06.02.00A025
  • Device Serial Number - The device (SBC) serial number; for example: 2035103699


User and Help Toolbar


User and Help Toolbar - The user interface of the widget is enhanced.

User and Help Toolbar


Hovering the mouse pointer over the User and Help toolbar displays:


  • User Management Menu - The name of the user for the ongoing session, and a drop-down to display the User Management menu.

    User Management Menu

    Change Password - Click the Change Password option to change the password of the user logged in for the ongoing session. The Change Password dialogue-box is displayed.

    Change Password Dialog

    Make necessary changes and click Change to confirm change of password, or click Cancel to cancel the change.

    Log Out - Click the Log Out option to log out of the ongoing EMA session. The Log Out dialog-box is displayed.

    Log Out Dialog

    Click Yes to confirm logging out, or No to continue with the ongoing session.

  • Help Menu - The Help icon (?), with a drop-down to display the Help menu.

    Help Menu

    The options in the Help Menu drop-down list are:

    Documentation (Online Help) - Click this option to navigate to the web-page displaying the main page of the EMA online documentation.

    <User_Selected_EMA_Object> Help (Tools) - Click this option to navigate to the specific page of the EMA online documentation that illustrates the selected EMA object. For example, if the active EMA Object is Monitoring > Dashboard > Disk Usage, clicking this option opens the documentation page Dashboard - Disk Usage in a new tab of your active browser window.

    Add Custom Help Topic - Click this option to add customized help topics for the selected EMA object; the Custom Help Links dialog-box is displayed.

    Custom Help Links

    The following fields are displayed in the Custom Help Links dialog-box:
    Help Menu Text - The text of your choice that is displayed on the Help menu.
    Link (URL) - The link to a web-page page corresponding to the Help Menu Text.
    Display Help Topic - Use this drop-down list to configure when/how you want the Help topic to be displayed in the EMA. The options are Always and Just for the current object. Depending on the option you select, the customized help link is displayed either for all EMA objects, or the for the object corresponding to which you configured the customized the help topic.  

    Use the + and -  buttons to add or remove multiple Custom Help Links for the selected EMA object.

    Click Update to save the changes, or Cancel to cancel them.

Search Tool

The user interface of the Search tool is enhanced.

Search Box

Last Visited Tool

The Last Visited tool is introduced in the EMA to facilitate quick navigation to the frequently visited EMA objects for the ongoing session. Hovering over the tool displays a drop-down list of the recently visited EMA objects (up to 10 objects).

Last Visited Tool


The Last Visited tool is reset when you change the Workspace for an ongoing session. For example, if you change the Workspace from Classic to Monitoring, the list of recently visited EMA objects is reset.


Left Navigation Panel

The navigational panel on the left of the EMA displays reorganized object hierarchy, which helps you to navigate through EMA objects intuitively. In addition to that, there are enhancements in the UI of two elements in the left navigation panel.

  • Expand/Collapse

    Expand All - Collapse All

  • Improved Object Symbol

    Improved Object Symbol