For internal debug use only.

In the EMA, navigate to All > System > Network Processor Statistics > Defrag Statistics.

The window Defrag Statistics appear, with the table Defrag Statistics List.

Defrag Statistics window


The parameters (presented as columns) of the table Defrag Statistics List are:

Parameters: Defrag Statistics List

Np IDNetwork Processor ID for Packet Defragmentation statistics.
Reassemble RequiredTotal fragment context created for packets requiring reassembly.
Good FragmentsNumber of good fragments processed.
Reassemble CompleteGood complete datagram.
In UseCurrent number of defrag contexts used.
Error PktBad fragment packet, duplicate, too many fragments, bad offset, packet too big.
Timeout CntNumber of timeouts that have occurred.
Bad Input BufferBad input buffer.
Bad Defrag PoolInvalid buffer pool count.
Bad Timeout ListInvalid age list for timeout maintenance.
Too Many FragsNumber of contexts exceeding maximum fragments allowed.
No Defrag MatchNumber of fragments failed to find frag context, out of fragment context.

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