This section describes the instantiation procedure of M-SBC using N:1 nested heat template.

  • Download the required heat template and the environment file from Salesforce Customer Portal. Edit the template with the required SBC instance information using the instructions included in the heat template.
  • EMS identifies the nodes based on the VNFC-ID. While instantiating SBC/PSX cloud nodes, ensure that you use a unique VNFC-ID only. If you reuse an existing VNFC-ID, EMS will treat this as a re-registration request and overwrite the existing data on the cloud node.

Once a N:1 Redundancy Group (RG) is created, you must not delete any one of the instances from RG using OpenStack dashboard GUI. In this case, you must remove the RG and create a new one.


To instantiate M-SBC HA using N:1 nested heat template:

  1. Log on to the OpenStack.

  2. On the navigation pane, click Project > Orchestration > Stacks. The Stacks page displays: 

    Stacks Page

  3. Click Launch Stack to view the Select Template screen.

  4. From the Select Template dialog, do the following:
    1. From the Template Source drop-down list, select File.
    2. Under Template File, click Browse.

    3. Select the .yaml file saved on the computer.

    4. Click Next.

      Select Template

      The Launch Stack dialog box displays.

    5. Enter the required values for the fields.

      Launch Stack

      The following table describes the Launch Stack fields:

      Launch Stack Fields

      FieldDescriptionExample or Recommendation
      Stack Name *A unique name of the stack to create.SBC-Media
      Creation Timeout (minutes) *Time in minutes for stack creation time-out. Default value is 60 minutes.60
      Rollback on FailureThis enables the rollback on create/update failure. 
      Password for user*This is required for operations to be performed throughout the life cycle of the stack.admin
      Image Name *The image to be used to launch the Signaling SBC instance.SBCSWe6.1A33
      Flavor*The flavor to be used to launch the instance. For more information see, SBC SWe Requirements.m1.large
      Security Group*Name of the security group associated with the instance. For more information see, Understanding Security Group Rules.vsbc_security_group name
      SBC System Name

      SBC system name or Redundancy Group name. For more information see, System and Instance Name Convention.
      Note: Ensure that the System Name you mention, while instantiating a new SBC instance is unique. In case, a new SBC instance is created with the same name as that of an already existing SBC with a different IP then the new SBC's registration request is rejected.

      SBC Personality Type

      Configure a SBC instance to either Integrated SBC (isbc), Signaling SBC (ssbc), or Media SBC (msbc) personality types.

      Default value is isbc.

      Management Port Provider Network Name or ID*Name of the management port private network.provider-mgmt
      HA Port Private Network Name or ID*Name of the HA port private network.ha-net
      Packet Port 0 Provider Network Name or ID*Name of packet port 0 private network. In case of port redundancy, the pkt1S uses the same network.
      Packet Port 1 Provider Network Name or ID*Name of packet port 1 private network. In case of port redundancy, the pkt0S uses the same network.
      Mgt0 IP VersionIP version of networkV4 or V6
      Is DHCP enabled on Mgt0 Subnet?If DHCP is enabled on this port, set as TRUE. If DHCP is disabled in this port, set as False.False
      Management Port IP AddressThe Management Port IP address of Active and Standby instance must be provided simultaneously separated by commas.10.x.x.10, 10.x.x.11,10.x.x.12,10.x.x.13,10.x.x.14
      Management Port Subnet PrefixSubnet prefix for Management port.23
      Management Port Gateway IPGateway IP address for management port.10.x.x.1
      Is DHCP enabled on Hat0 Subnet?If DHCP is enabled on this port, set as TRUE. If DHCP is disabled in this port, set as False.False
      High Availability Port IP AddressThe HA Port IP address of Active and Standby instance must be provided simultaneously separated by commas.10.y.y.10, 10.y.y.11,10.y.y.12,10.y.y.13,10.y.y.14
      High Availability Port Subnet PrefixSubnet prefix for HA port.23
      High Availability Port Gateway IPGateway IP address for HA port.10.y.y.1
      Pkt0 IP VersionIP version of networkV4 or V6
      Is DHCP enabled on Pkt0 Subnet?If DHCP is enabled on this port, set as TRUE. If DHCP is disabled in this port, set as False.False
      Packet Port 0 IP AddressThe Packet 0 Port IP address of Active and Standby instance must be provided simultaneously separated by commas.10.z.z.10, 10.z.z.11,10.z.z.12, 10.z.z.13,10.z.z.14
      Packet Port 0 Subnet PrefixSubnet prefix for Packet 0 port.23
      Packet Port 0 Gateway IPGateway IP address for Packet 0 port.10.z.z.1
      Packet Port 0 VLAN ID
      VLAN ID for Packet 0 port.789
      comma separated list of alternate IPs for pkt0Comma separated list of alternate IPs for pkt010.z.z.15, 10.z.z.16
      Pkt1 IP Version IP version of networkV4 or V6
      Is DHCP enabled on Pkt1 Subnet? If DHCP is enabled on this port, set as TRUE. If DHCP is disabled in this port, set as False.False
      Packet Port 1 IP Address The Packet 1 Port IP address of Active and Standby instance must be provided simultaneously separated by commas.10.a.a.10,10.a.a.11,10.a.a.12,10.a.a.13,10.a.a.14
      Packet Port 1 Subnet Prefix Subnet prefix for Packet 1 port.23
      Packet Port 1 Gateway IP Gateway IP address for Packet 1 port.10.a.a.1
      Packet Port 1 VLAN ID
       VLAN ID for Packet 1 port.789
      comma separated list of alternate IPs for pkt1Comma separated list of alternate IPs for pkt1.10.a.a.13, 10.a.a.14
      SBC Instance NameThe unique instance name of active and standby signaling instance must be separated by commas.vMsbc1,vMsbc2,vMsbc3,vMsbc4,vMsbc5
      SBC Configured CE RoleThe role of the instance must be separated by commasACTIVE,STANDBY,ACTIVE,ACTIVE,ACTIVE
      HA port IP address of one of the members of SBC Redundancy Group (RG)
      The HA IP addresses of the nodes used in the redundancy group.For example,

      Node 1: Node 2's HA IP
      Node 2: Node 1's HA IP
      Node 3: Node 2's HA IP
      Node 4: Node 3's HA IP
      Node 5: Node 4's HA IP

      EMS User NameEMS user name to communicate with the APIs.restuser
      EMS PasswordEMS user password which is required to perform operations throughout the life cycle of the stack.sonus123
      EMS IP 1

      The standalone EMS IP address to manage SBC instances. For Geographical Redundancy (GR) EMS deployment, this IP address denotes as EMS source IP address.

      For Example:

      For IPv6,

      • Standalone EMS IP address as fd00:10:6b50:4060::8e
      • Geographical Redundancy EMS IP address as fd00:10:6b50:4060::8e and fd00:10:6b50:4060::8f

      For IPv4,

      • Standalone EMS IP address as
      • Geographical Redundancy EMS IP address as and or fd00:10:6b50:4060::8e
      EMS IP 2For GR EMS deployment, this IP address denotes as EMS target IP address. or fd00:10:6b50:4060::8f
      Cluster IDThe cluster ID of Media SBC (M-SBC) cluster.Media-SBC
      Download Configuration from EMS

      Enable configuration download from EMS.

      NOTE: This flag should be enabled only when the instance needs to download the configuration from EMS.

      Download Configuration file name

      Name of the configuration file name.

      NOTE: If you did not provide the configuration file name, the default configuration file name is used.



      If the SBC SWe is not integrated with EMS, the corresponding EMS fields must be set to "None".

  5. Click Launch. The new stack is listed in the Stacks table.

    Launch Stack

  6. On the navigation pane, click Project > Compute > Instances to view the new instances created.

    Instances Page

  7. Perform the following to view the registered instance in the EMS:
    1. Log on to EMS.
    2. In Network Management, click Cluster / VNF Management. The Cluster/VNF Management window displays.
    3. Click View Cluster/VNF Node Status tab.
    4. Navigate through the list to view the registered active and standby M-SBC instances.

      Media SBC Node Status

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