Modified: for 6.2.1



Use this object to view the global interval service authorization statistics.

To View Service Authorised Int Stats

  1. On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > Service Authorised Int Stats.
  2. The Service Authorisation Int Stats window is displayed.

    Service Authorisation Int Stats

Service Authorisation Int Stats


A sequence number which identifies the interval for which the set of statistics is required.

  • 1
  • 2
NameThe name of the license-dependent feature.
Interval Valid

The member indicating the validity of the interval.

  • True
  • False
TimeThe system up-time when the interval statistic is collected.
License ModeDisplays the current licensing mode (Legacy/Local/Network) of the SBC.
Encrypt AuthorisationSet based on whether ENCRYPT license is available at the SBC.
Srtp AuthorisationSet based on whether SRTP license is available at the SBC.
Enhanced Video AuthorisationSet based on whether VIDEO license is available at the SBC.
Amrnb Leg AuthorisationSet based on whether AMRNB license is available at the SBC.
Amrwb Leg AuthorisationSet based on whether AMRWB license is available at the SBC.
Evrc Leg AuthorisationSet based on whether EVRC license is available at the SBC.
Nice Rec AuthorisationSet based on whether NICEREC license is available at the SBC.
Mrf Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether MRF license is available at the SBC.
Li Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether LI license is available at the SBC.
Sbc Rtu Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether SbcRtu session license is available at the SBC.
DSP G722 Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether DspG722 license is available at the SBC.
Gmp4x1Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether 4X1GMP license is available at the SBC.
SIP ISessions AuthorisationSet based on whether SipI license is available at the SBC.
SIP 323Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether SipRec license is available at the SBC.
Gmp1x10Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether 1X10GMP license is available at the SBC.
Pol Rtu Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether PolRtu license is available at the SBC.
PSX Rtu Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether PsxRtu license is available at the SBC.
Capacity License AuthorisationSet based on whether Capacity license is available at the SBC.
E911 Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether E911 license is available at the SBC.
ENUM Sessions AuthorisationSet based on whether ENUM license is available at the SBC.
Sw Instance License AuthorisationSet based on whether SweInstance license is available at the SBC.