This object is a collection of the Enhanced DBL Policer Status data.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Address Context > Enhanced DBL > Enhanced DBL Policer Status.

The Enhanced DBL Poilcer Status window is displayed.

Select the Address Context from the dropdown list.

Address Context - dropdown


The Enhanced DBL Policer Status List window is displayed.

Enhanced DBL Policer Status List window


The parameters and there descriptions are given in the table below:

Enhanced DBL Policer Status List - Parameter Descriptions

Trunk Group NameThe name of the Trunk Group with which the Enhanced DBL Profile is associated.
Profile NameThe name of the Enhanced DBL Profile.
Rule NameThe name of the rule associated with Enhanced DBL Profile.
Cumulative EnforcementsCumulative blacklist enforcement count per rule.
Policer EnforcementsCurrent blacklist enforcement count per rule.