In this section:
Use the procedures in this section to configure the SBC Core to operate in FIPS 140-2 compliant mode.
The SBC includes FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validated cryptographic hardware modules and software tool kits as described below. When enabled, the SBC operates these modules in a FIPS 140-2 approved mode for all cryptographic operations.
To enable TLS support in Windows:
The following enhancements or changes have been made to achieve FIPS 140-2 certification:
Self-Tests – The SBC implements cryptographic algorithms using software firmware and hardware and the modules perform various self-tests (power-up self-test, conditional self-test, and critical function self-test) to verify their functionality and correctness. If any of the tests fail, the module goes into “Critical Error” state and disables all access to cryptographic functions and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs). The management interfaces do not respond to any commands until the module is operational. The Crypto Officer must reboot the modules to clear the error and return to normal operational mode.
The self-tests include:
FIPS Finite State Model – The following diagram demonstrates the SBC states and state transitions that occur within the SBC server:
TLS v1.1 and v1.2 support for EMA in Platform Mode and SIP/TLS – TLS v1.1 and v1.2 provide resistance to certain known attacks (e.g. the BEAST attack affecting TLS v1.0) against earlier TLS versions and offer additional cipher suites not supported with TLS v1.0.
FIPS compliant operating mode is fully compliant with FIPS-140-2 at security level 1+. Putting the SBC system in FIPS-140-2 operating mode requires enabling the fips-140-2 mode
parameter as well as configuring other parameters.
Perform the following steps to set the FIPS-140-2 mode using CLI:
Switch to "configure private" mode, using the command:
> configure private
Execute the following commands:
% set profiles security tlsProfile defaultTlsProfile v1_0 disabled v1_1 disabled v1_2 enabled % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile v1_0 disabled v1_1 disabled v1_2 enabled % set oam snmp version v3only % set system admin <system name> fips-140-2 mode enabled % commit
Setting fips-140-2 mode to enabled accomplishes the following:
• regenerates all SSH keys
• regenerates encryption keys used by the system configuration database
• zeroizes (e.g. securely erases) all persistent CSPs from the system and causes the server to reboot after confirmation.
To view the FIPS administrative state, global SIP signaling controls, EmaTlsProfile and TLS profile settings, use the 'show' command as depicted in the following examples:
% show system admin MYSBC fips-140-2 mode enabled; % show profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile ... ... v1_0 disabled; v1_1 disabled; v1_2 enabled; % show profiles security tlsProfile defaultTlsProfile appAuthTimer 5; handshakeTimer 5; sessionResumpTimer 3600; cipherSuite1 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha; allowedRoles clientandserver; v1_0 disabled; v1_1 disabled; v1_2 enabled;
To view the FIPS finite state machine state, exit back to system mode and execute the 'show table system fipsFSMState' command, as in the following example:
% exit [ok][2013-08-20 22:28:26] > show table system fipsFSMState INDX STATE TIME STAMP ISSUER MESSAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 selftest Wed Aug 14 16:51:36 IST 2013 fipsPost executing POST 1 poweroff Wed Aug 14 16:48:37 IST 2013 fipsPost halt or reboot 2 operational Wed Aug 14 16:47:57 IST 2013 fipsPost POST Complete
Navigate to All > Profiles > Security > TLS Profile. The TLS Profile window is displayed showing the TLS Profile List pane. Select the radio button corresponding to the defaultTlsProfile.
The Edit Selected TLS Profile pane is displayed. Set the fields V1_0 and V1_1 to Disabled. Set the field V1_2 to Enabled. Click Save to save the changes.
Navigate to All > Profiles > Security > EMA TLS Profile. The EMA TLS Profile window is displayed showing the EMA TLS Profile List pane. Select the radio button corresponding to the defaultEmaTlsProfile.
The Edit Selected EMA TLS Profile pane is displayed. Set the fields V1_0 and V1_1 to Disabled. Set the field V1_2 to Enabled. Click Save to save the changes.
Navigate to All > OAM > Snmp. The Snmp window is displayed showing the Edit Snmp pane. Set the Version field to V3only. Click Save to save the changes.
Log into the CLI and execute the following command:
% set system admin <system_name> fips-140-2 mode enabled % commit
To restore service to the EMA in Platform Mode when in FIPS mode, CA certificates and newly-generated SBC certificates must be imported using the CLI.
Use the following procedure to import up to twenty CA certificates and associate them with the EmaTlsProfile named "defaultEmaTlsProfile."
> configure private % set system security pki certificate intermediateCaCert fileName intCaCert.der state enabled type remote % set system security pki certificate rootCaCert fileName rootCaCert.der state enabled type remote % commit % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile ClientCaCert intermediateCaCert % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile ClientCaCert rootCaCert % commit
The SBC enables importing SBC server certificates generated with either of two different methods – those generated externally and those generated locally in the SBC.
Use the following procedure to import an externally-generated SBC key and certificate in PKCS#12 format.
.Install the certificate. The following example uses a certificate named "sbxCert.p12" with a passPhrase "sonus".
> configure private % set system security pki certificate sbxCert fileName sbxCert.p12 passPhrase sonus state enabled type local % commit % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile serverCertName sbxCert % commit
If the server and the client certificates do not install, it is often due to presence of old certificates. In that case, delete the old/existing certificates and then install the new ones. To delete the old/existing certificates and install the new certificates, execute the following steps:
and sbxCert.p12
to /opt/sonus/external/
on both the active and standby nodes of a high availability (HA) deployment of the SBC.Execute the following commands in configure private
% delete profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile serverCertName % delete profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile ClientCaCert % set system security pki certificate intermediateCaCert state disabled % set system security pki certificate rootCaCert state disabled % set system security pki certificate sbxCert state disabled % delete system security pki certificate intermediateCaCert % delete system security pki certificate rootCaCert % delete system security pki certificate sbxCert % set system security pki certificate intermediateCaCert fileName intCaCert.der state enabled type remote % set system security pki certificate rootCaCert fileName rootCaCert.der state enabled type remote % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile ClientCaCert intermediateCaCert % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile ClientCaCert rootCaCert % set system security pki certificate sbxCert fileName sbxCert.p12 passPhrase sonus state enabled type local % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile serverCertName sbxCert
Commit the commands after each step to make the changes effective and available for the next command.
Use the following procedure to generate an SBC key and CSR locally in the SBC, and then import as a PEM externally-signed certificate.
Generate a CSR:
> configure private % set system security pki certificate sbxCert type local-internal % commit % exit > request system security pki certificate sbxCert generateCSR keySize keySize2K csrSub "/C=US/ST=MA/L=Westford/O=Sonus Networks Inc./"
.Install the certificate. In the following example the certificate file name is "sbxCert.pem".
> configure private % set system security pki certificate sbxCert fileName sbxCert.pem % commit % set profiles security EmaTlsProfile defaultEmaTlsProfile serverCertName sbxCert % commit
Use the following procedure to set the appropriate EMA in Platform Mode client authentication method.
For example, to use either username/password login or PKI certificate based authentication, execute the following commands:
> configure private % set oam ema clientAuthMethod usernamePasswordOrPkiCert % commit